
100 puzzles about the world and the alphabet: Educational cards

100 puzzles about the world and the alphabet: Educational cards
100 puzzles about the world and the alphabet: Educational cards
100 puzzles about the world and the alphabet: Educational cards
100 puzzles about the world and the alphabet: Educational cards
100 puzzles about the world and the alphabet: Educational cards
Година на издаване: 2012
Размери: 0.25 kg ( 16 cm x 11.5 cm )
12.90 лв.
The box contains 100 games about the world around us, the professions, the school, the clock, the nature and many others. The children will learn the alphabet in an easy and interesting way.

The ink of the marker can easily be erased from the cards and they can be reused. Use the marker which you will find in the box. Wipe it out with a dry material.

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