
Всички продукти

Земя за прицел т. 2: Наследникът
Издателство: бгкниг@ ISBN: 9786192290078
"Качecтвата на eдин банкep, cпopeд нeгo, нe ce cъcтoяха тoлкoва в пeчалбитe пpи дoбpа кoнюнктуpа, какватo бe в мoмeнта. Toгава в бpанша влизаха хopа, кoитo бeз никакъв финанcoв талант пeчeлeха, за да загубят в кpайна cмeтка вcичкo. Beликoтo качecтвo на eдин банкep бe oтcтъплeниeтo, дoбpe opганизиpан..
18.00 лв.
Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead Book 3
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780141342580
Rick Riordan's Norse hero faces his greatest challenge yet in the final instalment of the series.Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he's readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, armed with a host of giants and zombies, to sail against the Norse gods and begin the final battle of Ragn..
26.99 лв.
Издателство: Ибис ISBN: 9786191572168
Братята Дрю, Райли, Бран и сестра им Мия са единствените оцелели членове на семейство Лолес. Преди двайсет години родителите им са жестоко убити, а домът им – опожарен. Полицията хвърля вината за трагедията върху баща им, но и четиримата знаят, че това е дело на неговите съдружници, затова се заклев..
14.90 лв.
Alfie the Holiday Cat
Издателство: HarperCollins ISBN: 9780008253325
The Sunday Times bestseller returns for a fourth book! Alfie and his mischievous kitten George are back for more adventures - this time taking them a long way from home... Alfie and George just can't seem to keep out of trouble. So when they hear that their owners have got a new holiday home, they c..
21.90 лв.
Мара Белчева т.2: Проза и преводи
Издателство: Кибеа ISBN: 9789544747299
Сто години, след като Мара Белчева започва да публикува стихотворения, се появява първият сборник, който събира ведно всички нейни творби: поезия, преводи, съчинения в проза, спомени, писма. Сред тях има и такива, които се публикуват за пръв път, открити сред архива на поетесата. Включени са и крити..
17.00 лв.
Дивите лебеди и други приказки
Издателство: Миранда ISBN: 9786197078992
Вълшебството на детството се завръща при вас с книгата "Дивите лебеди и други приказки" във формата и вида на оригиналното италианско издание. Много от вас я познават от своето детство, тъй като тя е била издавана няколко пъти през годините и в България. Включва четири от вечните приказки на Андерсе..
14.95 лв.
Aston Martin: Behind the wheel of a motoring icon
Издателство: MITCHELL BEAZLEY ISBN: 9781784722692
A stunning celebration of Aston Martin's iconic cars, from the early models and legendary James Bond cars, to the very latest machines - with incredible photography throughout.The experts at evo magazine look back at Aston Martin's glorious history, with first-hand, behind-the-wheel reports, technic..
55.90 лв.
Love Origami
Издателство: MITCHELL BEAZLEY ISBN: 9781784723620
Ross Symons is an origami maverick. Shockingly, he has been known to draw faces on some of his animal creations. And his creativity extends to his witty and imaginative photo styling, as he uploads all his latest creations online. And, as you'll discover from this book, he is also a great teacher.Fr..
25.90 лв.
The World Atlas of Street Fashion
Издателство: MITCHELL BEAZLEY ISBN: 9781784722425
Discover the inspirational world of global street styles and the fascinating stories behind them, accompanied by hundreds of stunning photographs.Filled with eye-catching images of 100 styles from around the globe, The World Atlas of Street Fashion is a celebration of those who dare to think differe..
31.00 лв.
At Home with Plants
Издателство: MITCHELL BEAZLEY ISBN: 9781784721947
Houseplants are hot, and creative interior planting is becoming increasingly easy to achieve. The new wave of unusual and dramatic indoor plants is as much about decor and statement as greenery. Used aesthetically, as a focal point and sculptural element in interior design, indoor gardening is not j..
41.90 лв.
The Nordic Kitchen
Издателство: MITCHELL BEAZLEY ISBN: 9781784721565
Discover fresh, Nordic family cooking with this book from Noma co-founder Claus Meyer. With its focus on good, seasonal ingredients and lightness of touch, Nordic cuisine is perfect family food. In this book, Claus Meyer brings the ethos that built Noma into the world's best restaurant into the home..
55.90 лв.
Pocket Beer 3rd edition
Издателство: MITCHELL BEAZLEY ISBN: 9781784723361
With so many beers now on offer, it's more essential than ever to have an expert guide - this carefully curated selection encompasses the very best beer the world has to offer.Written by two of the world's leading beer experts, with the help of a team of international contributors, The Pocket Beer B..
29.90 лв.
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