
Всички продукти

Why You Can Build it Like That
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500291788
In Why You Can Build It Like That, John Zukowsky examines buildings from the past half century or so that pushed the boundaries of what was architecturally acceptable when they were built. 100 striking international examples of modern architecture are categorized into thematic chapters that reflect ..
29.90 лв.
Window-Shopping through the Iron Curtain
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500252116
Window-Shopping through the Iron Curtain presents a selection of more than 100 images of shop windows shot by David Hlynsky during four trips taken between 1986 and 1990 to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Moscow. Using a Hasselblad camera, Hlynsky captured th..
41.90 лв.
Fashion China
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500291641
Chinese fashion is the next big thing in Asia and in the West; this book is the first to introduce the country’s hottest talents, as chosen by an expert jury of fashion insidersIn recent years, a newfound creative confidence has taken root in the Chinese fashion industry, driven by a generation ..
52.90 лв.
The Pattern Base. Over 550 Contemporary Textile and Surface Designs
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500291795
This book showcases textile and surface design by some of the most exciting up-and-coming designers worldwide and points to the future of this vibrant field. It includes illustrative, abstract, geometric, floral, representational and digital designs; and knitted, woven, hand-dyed and digitally print..
55.90 лв.
Contemporary Menswear
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500517598
A Global Guide to Independent Men's FashionContemporary Menswear presents in-depth profiles of more than 50 of the designers, labels, brands, stores, websites and blogs that have shaped and continue to shape menswear in the 21st century. From classic heritage labels such as Albam Clothing throug..
55.90 лв.
Street Craft
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500517840
Street Craft is the next chapter in the story of Street Art. Encompassing urban crochet, craftivism, yarnbombing, origami and lace graffiti, guerrilla gardening, street sculpture, light projections, miniature installations and more, this book reveals the surprising, controversial and sometimes simpl..
41.90 лв.
Издателство: PICADOR ISBN: 9781509818969
Jack is five. He lives with his Ma. They live in a single, locked room. They don't have the key. Jack and Ma are prisoners. 'Room is a book to read in one sitting. When it's over you look up: the world looks the same but you are somehow different and that feeling lingers for days' Audrey Niffenegger..
15.90 лв.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780141365091
Life was better in the old days. Or was it?That’s the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn’t cut out for an old-fashioned world.With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, ..
24.90 лв.
Сияен ангел - книга 7
Издателство: Бард ISBN: 9789546556226
Джон Кори на лов за руснаци...След открития сблъсък с митичния терорист Пантерата, Джон Кори напуска Федералната антитерористична спецчаст и се връща в Ню Йорк, където започва работа в Групата за наблюдение на дипломати. Макар че задачата му да следи руски дипломати в мисията на ООН се смята за ..
16.99 лв.
Издателство: Intelligames ISBN: 4002051695101
Разширение към базисната игра! Приложимо само в комбинация с базисната игра „Заселниците на Катан 3/4 играчи”.Съвместимо с “Мореплаватели” за 3/4 играчи”.Съвместимо с “Търговци и варвари” за 3/4 играчи”.    Островът Катан е в голяма опастност – тъмни облаци са надвиснали над мирн..
54.90 лв.
Речите, които промениха света
Издателство: MILLENIUM ISBN: 9789545153129
В древността софистите първи осъзнали, че говорът и мисълта се подчиняват на определени правила, а красноречието е силен лост за въздействие над хората. Ораторското изкуство обаче изисква много повече от правилно подбрани думи. Нужно е умението да грабнеш вниманието на слушателя, да го убедиш в прав..
22.00 лв.
Изкуството да рисуваш природа
Издателство: Книгомания ISBN: 9786191950362
Гoлямoтo пoмaгaлo пo pиcувaне: пpaктичеcки cъвети. Книгaтa включвa упpaжнения, oбхвaщaщи нaй-вaжните acпекти пpи pиcувaнетo нa нaтюpмopти, живoтни, pacтения и пейзaжи, кoитo бихa били интеpеcни зa зaпaлените худoжници. Илюcтpaциите ca пpидpужени oт пpaктичеcки cъвети, кoитo дa ви пoмoгнaт дa изoбpa..
24.00 лв.
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