
Всички продукти

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Collection - 1-7
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780141351605
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Rodrick Rules - The Last Straw - Dog Days - The Ugly Truth - Cabin Fever - The Third Wheel..
72.90 лв.
Записки по революцията в България и другаде - том 1
Издателство: MILLENIUM ISBN: 9789545152511
За политическата буря между 1962 и 1989 година."Времената винаги са революционни. Революцията е като пожар, постоянно тлеещ точно под повърхността на земята. В повечето време не се вижда. От време на време изригва на повърхността и оформя революционни изблици. А понякога изригва на много места н..
19.99 лв.
Древногръцки митове и легенди
Издателство: Златното Пате ISBN: 9786191810154
Разказваните между хората истории за изумяващи приключения, за взаимоотношения между богове , герои и обикновени човеци - това е най-ранното словесно творчество още от времената, когато хората са живели в пещери, в землянки и колиби. Тогава светът им е изглеждал огромен, а на всяка крачка са се сблъ..
5.99 лв.
Издателство: Ибис ISBN: 9786191570713
Романът е носител на Британската фентъзи награда за 1982 година.Тази книга направи със санбернарите това, което “Челюсти” направи с големите бели акули.През есента на 1977 г. Стивън Кинг заминава със семейството си за Англия – за да напише история за призраци. Това не е изненадващ ход за пис..
16.90 лв.
Angry Birds - Book and Toy Gift Set
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780141350073
Angry Birds - Book and Toy Gift Set..
22.90 лв.
Why Fashion Matters
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500517376
Fashion is the most immediate and intimate form of self-expression. Faster than anything else, what we wear tells the story of who we are or who we want to be. Yet even as fashion touches the lives of each and every one of us, it can seem mysterious. Who better to guide readers into the dizzying wor..
23.90 лв.
Futurescapes: Designers for Tomorrow's Outdoor Spaces
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500515778
"Futurescapes" is a major resource aimed at practitioners, enthusiasts and students in the realms of landscape, architecture, urban planning and design that profiles the fifty most exciting and innovative landscape and garden designers working today. From China and Australia to the USA and Europe, t..
61.90 лв.
Wally Olins: Brand New: The Shape of Brands to Come
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500291399
Wally Olins' fascinating book looks at every aspect of the world of branding. With his customary flair and no-nonsense prose, he analyzes the problems facing todays organizations, criticizes corporate misbehaviour where he finds it, praises those companies who seem to be building and sustaining bran..
42.90 лв.
Berenice Abbott
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500411001
"The Photofile" series brings together the best work of the worlds greatest photographers. Each book contains a selection of the photographers' most important and representative images, plus an introduction and a bibliography. American photographer Berenice Abbott first took up the art while working..
23.90 лв.
Eureka!: The Most Amazing Scientic Discoveries of All Time
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500650257
This exciting, educational children's book details the real-life stories of scientists throughout history who made discoveries that changed the way we think about the world. Read about Galileo and Marie Curie, who both in very different circumstances risked peril during their research, or about Alex..
32.90 лв.
The True History of Chocolate
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500290682
Chocolate the food of the Gods has had a long and eventful history. Its story is expertly told here by the doyen of Maya studies, Michael Coe, and his late wife, Sophie. The book begins 3,000 years ago in the Mexican jungles and goes on to draw on aspects of archaeology, botany and socio-economics. ..
37.90 лв.
The Perfect Gentleman
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500516317
This lavish publication celebrates the gentlemans search for the perfect sartorial detail, the ideal accessory, or beautiful gift for a loved one. Presented through the eyes of a connoisseur looking for quality and bepoke goods in Londons key stylistic historic periods, it tells the stories of the p..
93.90 лв.
Показва 17473 до 17484 от 18433 (1537 страници)