
Всички продукти

Graphic Design Theory
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500290491
This is one of two books in "Design in Context", a vital new series that focuses on the needs of contemporary students of graphic design. Meredith Davis draws on her many years experience teaching graphic design students to explain complex theories with total clarity, encouraging readers to evaluate..
58.00 лв.
Blogging for Creatives
Издателство: OCTOPUS PUBLISHING ISBN: 9781908150264
"Blogging for Creatives" is the first approachable, non-techie guide to the blogosphere, complete with hundreds of tips, tricks and motivational stories from artistic bloggers who have started from scratch. It covers everything creatives need to know about how to design a beautiful, interesting blog..
36.90 лв.
Photography: The Whole Story
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500290453
"Photography: The Whole Story" is a celebration of the most beautiful, meaningful and inspiring photographs that have arisen from this very modern medium. The book begins with a succinct overview of photography, placing it in the context of the social and cultural developments that have taken place ..
55.99 лв.
Голото къпане
Издателство: ЕКСЛИБРИС ISBN: 9789548208956
Чаз Пърони е може би единственият морски биолог на света, който не знае в коя посока тече Гълфстрийм. Той решава да извърши перфектното убийство и на круиза по случай втората годишнина от сватбата им хвърля красивата си жена Джоуи от борда на луксозния кораб „Слънчевата херцогиня“. Само че това неве..
14.90 лв.
Iron Maiden On Board Flight 666
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9781409141365
WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF IRON MAIDEN. IRON MAIDEN are a global phenomenon. On board their customised Boeing 757 plane named ED FORCE ONE, and piloted by lead singer and Airline Captain Bruce Dickinson, the band, crew and 12 tonnes of equipment traversed the planet and broke the mould of traditional t..
56.00 лв.
Operation Bunny (WINGS & CO)
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9781444003727
Emily Vole makes headline news in the first weeks of her life, when she is found in an abandoned hatbox in Stansted Airport. Then, only a few years later, her neighbour Mrs String dies leaving Emily a mysterious inheritance: an old shop, a small bunch of golden keys and a cat called Fidget. It's the..
10.90 лв.
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9781444004854
From the creators of the Blue Peter award-winning Funniest Book with Pictures "Raven Mysteries" team, this is the first in a humorous and magical adventure series, "Raven Boy And Elf Girl", perfect for readers of 8+ about Raven Boy and Elf Girl's magical, humorous and creepy adventures as they battl..
11.90 лв.
Monster Mountains
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9781444004861
Saving the world isn't going very well for Elf Girl and Raven Boy. They've left Fright Forest and crossed a huge plain to the worryingly named Monster Mountains, where they find a sign telling them to Turn Back. They really shouldn't have ignored it! It's not the strange wailing noises they hear in ..
11.90 лв.
Безлюбовие. Стихосбирка
Издателство: MILLENIUM ISBN: 9789545151996
"Любов - измачкана банкнота в кесията на паметта. Продажна, колкото живота и честна, колкото смъртта." Недялко Йорданов..
6.00 лв.
Проклинам реката на времето
Издателство: ДЕЛАКОРТ ISBN: 9789546900043
Преди да издаде първият си роман, Пер Петершон (роден 1952 г.) работи няколко години като библиотекар, служител в книжарница, преводач и литературен критик. Първата му книга „Пепел в устата, пясък в обувката” е обявена за един от най-сензационните дебюти в десетилетието. След нея Петершон публикува ..
9.00 лв.
Издателство: ULLMANN PUBLISHING ISBN: 9783848004409
The sign of the white and blue propeller circle has signified BMW since the 1930s: sporty, dynamic, radiating brilliance, with timeless elegance. The mention of BMW brings to mind legendary cars like the prewar 328, the 507 from the 1950s, or the M1 of the 1970s. But the name BMW also stands for att..
44.90 лв.
Издателство: ULLMANN PUBLISHING ISBN: 9783848000449
This volume is based on the well-known 1892 collection of ornament designs, The Practical Decorator and Ornamentist, by George A. and Maurice A. Audsley. Originally conceived as a collection of samples for architects and decorative painters, many professionals have found inspiration in this book, in..
39.90 лв.
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