Graphic Design Theory
Автор: | Meredith Davis |
Година на издаване: | 2012 |
Език: | Английски |
Корица: | Paperback |
Страници: | 256 |
Издател/Прозиводител: | THAMES & HUDSON |
ISBN/Barcode: | 9780500290491 |
Код: | 0233.00690 |
Размери: | 1.1 kg ( 27 cm x 21 cm ) |
4.07 (198 ratings by Goodreads)
58.00 лв.
От същия бранд
This is one of two books in "Design in Context", a vital new series that focuses on the needs of contemporary students of graphic design. Meredith Davis draws on her many years experience teaching graphic design students to explain complex theories with total clarity, encouraging readers to evaluate existing design work critically, and to use theoretical frameworks to enhance their own studio practice. Topics include: communication models; visual representation as a system of signs; cognitive approaches to design; modernism and postmodernism; and the social, cultural, and material contexts of contemporary design. Above all, the book demonstrates to students how to apply theory in a modern graphic design practice to improve their work and to embark on a successful career.