Hidden in Nature: Search, Find and Count
Година на издаване: | 2017 |
Език: | Английски |
Корица: | Hardcover |
Страници: | 48 |
Издател/Прозиводител: | WHITE STAR |
ISBN/Barcode: | 9788854411340 |
Код: | 0142.00352 |
Размери: | 0.73 kg ( 27 cm x 27 cm ) |
5.00 (0 ratings by Goodreads)
27.90 лв.
От същия бранд
From sharp-teethed sharks in the sea to lions in the savannah and owls in the forest: animals are hidden everywhere! Keen-eyed kids can show off their counting and observational skills as they pore through a wonderful menagerie in Agnese Baruzzi’s lushly designed environments. On the side of every spread there are small drawings of all the animals in the picture plus a box where children can write down the number of each one they’ve found.