Пъзели за деца
Издателство: SASSI
ISBN: 9788868609498
Комплектът съдържа:Пъзел от 10 частиКнижка на английски 10 страници (12х12 см.)..
28.99 лв.
Издателство: SASSI
ISBN: 9788830301122
Комплектът съдържа:Пъзел 300 части (45х68 см.)Образователна книжка 32 страници на английски (14х21 см.)..
33.99 лв.
Издателство: SASSI
ISBN: 9788830303560
Комплектът съдържа:Пъзел 30 части (62х45 см.)Образователна книжка 6 страници на английски (13х13 см.)Размер на частите 12.5х11 см.)..
33.99 лв.
Издателство: USBORNE
ISBN: 9781801310918
This delightful pack contains a beautifully illustrated jigsaw of a vibrant under-the-sea scene that features a maze to solve once it's assembled. It also includes a 32-page book with a selection of more marine mazes for children to have fun finding their way through...
33.99 лв.
Издателство: USBORNE
ISBN: 9781474927925
A fabulous jigsaw teeming with colourful fish and a 24-page picture puzzle book, presented together in a beautiful sturdy box. The jigsaw has 100 chunky pieces and measures 59 x 40cm, and the picture puzzle book is packed with things to spot and talk about. Can you spot a pirate's hat, the captain's..
32.99 лв.
Издателство: USBORNE
ISBN: 9781474927918
A vibrantly illustrated 100-piece jigsaw showing a busy farmyard, plus a 24-page picture puzzle book presented together in a colourful sturdy box. The jigsaw measures 59 x 40cm and both the jigsaw and puzzle book are packed with things to spot and talk about. Can you spot a cow wearing a bell, five ..
32.99 лв.
Издателство: USBORNE
ISBN: 9781474947794
A brilliantly colourful 100-piece jigsaw showing a busy jungle scene, plus a 24-page picture puzzle book presented together in a sturdy box. The jigsaw measures 59 x 40cm and both the jigsaw and book are packed with things to spot. Can you spot a sloth wearing slippers, crocodiles hiding in the wate..
34.99 лв.
Издателство: USBORNE
ISBN: 9781474995764
Little children can have fun as they begin to learn all the letters of the alphabet with this book and jigsaw. Bright illustrations of animals, vehicles and more, along with large, clear letters, are perfect for building first literacy skills, such as letter shape recognition and linking letters and..
33.99 лв.
Издателство: Educa
ISBN: 8412668141971
Пъзели за най-малките деца. Колекция, предназначена за три възрастови групи: 1, 2 и възраст. 5 прогресивни пъзела от 2 до 5 парчета. Парчетата са по-големи, по-дебели и по-лесни за работа. Те стимулират вниманието, както и развиват пътищата за мислене и действие, любопитството и въображението на най..
21.90 лв.