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Издателство: ProBOOK ISBN: 9789542928669
Три години в бестселър класация на New York Times. Необичайна история за оцеляване, сила и избавление. През май 1943 г. самолет на американските военновъздушни сили е свален в Тихия океан и изчезва. По-късно от водата изплува жив младият пилот заедно с двама летци и така започва най-необикновената ..
17.99 лв.
Стига вече! Книга 2
Издателство: ДИЛОК ISBN: 9789542902300
Червен картон за лъжците в здравеопазването и сферата на храненето. Да преминем здрави през хаоса!Изненадващото решение на правителствените представители за забрана на хранителните добавки и природните лечебни средства и същевременно повсеместното предлагане на средства като WLAN, които истински..
17.00 лв.
Dream Cars of the XXI Century
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854407787
It seduces both men and women indifferently, especially when it is powerful and luxurious. Even more so when it is unique. Or nearly so. The specimen of the high-end luxury car is not only the utmost interpretation on the theme of the automobile, but it is also the inspiring Muse for the creativity ..
64.90 лв.
Vegetarian Cooking
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854408999
Good news. It is possible to follow a healthier diet, and one that is respectful of the life of every living being and attentive to the wellbeing of the planet, without having to give up on the flavours of Italian cooking. This new book on Italian vegetarian cooking, follows this green side of the p..
19.90 лв.
Masters of Fashion
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854408562
Prada. Versace. Dior. St. Laurent. These are the masters of fashion, the mythical figures of couture, celebrated in this dazzling collection of portraits. Follow them down the catwalk, exploring Chanel's timeless class, Schiaparelli's aristocratic yet innovative spirit, Tom Ford's glamour, and Alexa..
65.90 лв.
Cars: Pocket Book
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854408029
9.90 лв.
Aircrafts: Pocket Book
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854408012
Twelve titles to satisfy the curiosity and passion of all sort of readers, from animal lovers to motorcycle fans to historical vehicle enthusiasts. These books, distinguished by their handy small size, are illustrated with spectacular images and written with passion and care by experts in the differ..
9.90 лв.
Adolf Hitler: Evolution of a Dictator
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854408975
Acclaimed journalist and World War Two expert Luciano Garibaldi explores the brutal legacy of Adolf Hitler. Always placing events in the larger social and political context, Garibaldi retraces Hitler's life from his infancy and tortured Viennese youth to his experiences in the Great War, the develop..
33.90 лв.
A Memory of Light
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9780356503950
'And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land and weighed down the hearts of men, and the green things failed, and hope died.' - Charal Drianaan te Calamon, The Cycle of the Dragon. In the Field of Merrilor the rulers of the natio..
21.99 лв.
Hegarty on Creativity: There are No Rules
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500517246
Creativity isn't an occupation, its a preoccupation. It is at the very core of what makes us human. Its also a fundamental challenge that everyone faces in the modern world, be they in business, in education or a struggling artist or musician. Being creative and innovative and communicating our idea..
24.99 лв.
Digital Art
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500203989
Digital technology has revolutionized the way we produce and experience art today. Not only have traditional forms of art such as printing, painting, photography and sculpture been transformed by digital techniques and media, but entirely new forms such as net art, software art, digital installation..
26.90 лв.
The World Atlas of Coffee
Издателство: MITCHELL BEAZLEY ISBN: 9781845337872
Coffee has never been better, or more interesting, than it is today. Coffee producers have access to more varieties and techniques than ever before and we, as consumers, can share in that expertise to make sure the coffee we drink is the best we can find. Where coffee comes from, how it was harveste..
44.90 лв.
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