
Всички продукти

Друговремец  - книга 1
Издателство: ProBOOK ISBN: 9789542928546
Годината е 1945-та. Клеър Рандал, бивша медицинска сестра току-що се е завърнала от фронта и заедно със съпруга си, Франк Рандал, се отправя на втори меден месец високо в планините на Шотландия. Всичко върви прекрасно до момента, в който Клеър не навлиза в кръг от древни мегалити. И излиза от другат..
29.00 лв.
Брежнев. Уйти вовремя
Издателство: АЛГОРИТМ ISBN: 9785443801209
Авторы этой книги - крупнейшие мировые политики XX века: Вилли Брандт был федеральным канцлером ФРГ в 1969-1974 годах; Генри Киссинджер являлся советником по национальной безопасности США в 1969-1975 годах и Государственным секретарем США с 1973 по 1977 год; Валери Жискар д'Эстен занимал пост презид..
18.90 лв.
Шедьоври на природата
Издателство: WHITE WALL MEDIA ISBN: 9786197081039
Тази удивителна книга е своеобразна изложба на някои от най-забележителните природни чудеса. Богато илюстрирана и снабдена с интересни факти, тя съпровожда читателя в това вълнуващо пътуване през дивата природа на земята - всеобхватен и в същото време интимен поглед върху нашата необикновена планета..
28.90 лв.
The Iconic House: Architectural Masterworks Since 1900
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500342558
"The Iconic House" features one hundred of the most important and influential architect-designed houses from around the world. With seminal works from such icons as Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright and Mies van der Rohe, as well as modern-day greats including Tadao Ando, Rem Koolhaas and Herzog & de..
96.90 лв.
Building for Tomorrow: Visionary Architecture from Around the World
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500290903
Architects have always dreamed of shaping the future, of building utopian worlds filled with seemingly impossible structures that break with the past to propel mankind far into the 21st century and beyond. This book reviews forty such visionary projects, encompassing the whole spectrum of the built ..
53.90 лв.
Architecture: A Modern View
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500342930
The crisis of modern architecture is part of a much larger crisis involving the whole question of the way we live and how we use the resources of our planet. Poor design, monotony, and inhuman scale are the results not of lack of talent nor the failures of the Modern Movement, but of a surrender to ..
36.90 лв.
The World According to Karl
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500517116
The ultimate repertoire of wit and wisdom from fashions sharpest pin Karl Lagerfeld is a modern master of couture. He is also famously outspoken: his wise, surprising statements pop up like offbeat news flashes. This collection of quotations pays homage to the legendary eminence grise of the fashion..
47.90 лв.
Hair: Fashion and Fantasy
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500291085
Fashionistas, photographers and stylists love the infinite possibilities of hair. It can define a look, embellish an outfit, show status, tribe or culture. Each hairstyle says something about who we are and where we belong. This book celebrates the art of hair: braids, curls, loose hair, mohawks, ch..
61.90 лв.
Why it Does Not Have to be in Focus
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500290958
Why take a self-portrait but obscure your face with a lightbulb (Lee Friedlander, Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts (1968) Or deliberately underexpose an image (Vera Lutter, Battersea Power Station, XI: July 13 , 2004)? And why photograph a ceiling (William Eggleston, Red Ceiling , 1973) In Why ..
25.90 лв.
Le Corbusier and the Power of Photography
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500544228
Le Corbusiers development was inextricably connected to the rise of the centurys most popular visual medium: photography. Marking the 125th anniversary of the architects birth in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, this remarkable book traces the many ways in which he used photography to define and diss..
78.90 лв.
Gordon Parks
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500411094
Gordon Parks (1912-2006) was a pioneering figure in 20th-century photography. As well as being the first African-American photographer to join the Farm Security Administration (FSA) and to become a staff photographer for Life magazine, he was also a writer, film director and composer. Although best ..
25.90 лв.
Anders Petersen
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500411087
Anders Petersen (b. 1944) lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. He is noted for his intimate and personal documentary-style black-and-white photographs. In 1967, he started to photograph the late-night regulars (prostitutes, transvestites, drunks, lovers, drug addicts) in a bar in Hamburg, Germany, ..
25.90 лв.
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