
Съвременна световна л-ра - Страница 3

Издателство: Леге Артис ISBN: 9786197516487
Няколко години след издаването на книгата му „Нощта на огъня” (2015), в която той разказва за срещата си с Бог в пустинята Хогар и двайсет години след началото на поредицата за различни духовности „Кръговрат на незримото” Ерик-Еманюел Шмит преживява „второ обръщане” в Йерусалим. Това се случва по вр..
17.00 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books ISBN: 9781804945957
From the moment Daisy walked barefoot on to the stage at the Whisky, she and the band were a sensation.Their sound defined an era. Their albums were on every turntable. They played sold-out arenas from coast to coast.Then, on 12 July 1979, it all came crashing down.They were lovers, friends, brother..
22.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books ISBN: 9781529176643
From the night she is rescued as a baby out of the flames of a sinking ship; to the day she joins a pair of daredevil pilots looping and diving over the rugged forests of her childhood, to the thrill of flying Spitfires during the war, the life of Marian Graves has always been marked by a lust for f..
16.99 лв.
Издателство: Hodder & Stoughton ISBN: 9781444706581
A compelling glimpse into a captivatingly exotic world of myth and magic.Beguiled by promises of wealth, fourteen-year-old Lakshmi leaves her native Ceylon for Malaya and marriage to a man many years her senior. But Ayah has lied to her and her family about his circumstances and in fact he lives in ..
26.99 лв.
ISBN: 9780224101936
"Everything Handmaids wear is red: the colour of blood, which defines us." Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, where women are prohibited from holding jobs, reading, and forming friendships. She serves in the household of the Commander and his wife, and under the new social order she has..
37.99 лв.
Издателство: Random House ISBN: 9780857525956
Five Dunbar brothers are living – fighting, loving, grieving – in the perfect chaos of a house without grown-ups. Today, the father who left them has just walked right back in.He has a surprising request: Who will build a bridge with him?It is Clay, a boy tormented by a long-buried secret, who accep..
40.99 лв.
Издателство: Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781526621795
In ten dazzling stories, Saba Sams dives into the world of girlhood and immerses us in its contradictions and complexities: growing up too quickly, yet not quickly enough; taking possession of what one can, while being taken possession of; succumbing to societal pressure but also orchestrating that ..
24.99 лв.
Издателство: Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781526630810
"When I say that I was a feminist in kindergarten, I am not exaggerating," begins Isabel Allende. As a child, she watched her mother, abandoned by her husband, provide for her three small children without "resources or voice." Isabel became a fierce and defiant little girl, determined to fight for t..
33.99 лв.
Издателство: Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781526619945
Cal wants to be a journalist, and he's already well underway with almost half a million followers on his FlashFame app and an upcoming internship at Buzzfeed. But his plans are derailed when his pilot father is selected for a highly-publicized NASA mission to Mars. Within days, Cal and his parents l..
19.99 лв.
Издателство: Жанет 45 ISBN: 9786191863969
Човекът стоеше на самия ръб на сградата – черен силует на фона на сивото утро. Може би мияч на прозорци. Или строителен работник. Или самоубиец.Там горе, на височина сто и десет етажа, абсолютно неподвижен, тъмна запетайка върху облачното небе. Виждаше се само под определен ъгъл, така че зяпачите тр..
16.99 лв.
Издателство: Жанет 45 ISBN: 9786191867110
Романът „Петмез“ е голяма прозаична метафора на детството, на неговите тайни и открития. „Петмез” е едновременно ведра и тъжна книга – тя разказва за чудесата на детството, за сиянието и изконната красота на неговите първи откровения, но и за тъмната страна на този период от човешкия живот – за траг..
17.00 лв.
Издателство: Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781526623362
Amid daily reports of violence, Cushla lives a quiet life with her mother in a small town near Belfast. By day she teaches at a parochial school; at night she fills in at her family's pub. There she meets Michael Agnew, a barrister who's made a name for himself defending IRA members. Against her bet..
20.99 лв.
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