Докато светлината на утрото се разлива по гладките дюни, едно камилче се събужда в лошо настроение. То е избухливо и уморено. И днес, със сигурност ня..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Детайлно запознаване с виното, което ще ви накара да се замислите какво пиете.Без жаргон, без предубеждения: Виното. Дегустационен курс ще ви даде вси..
Експертен наръчник базиран на трите основни стълба на успешната личност – физическа активност, ментално здраве и балансирано хранене. Той е за всеки е..
Скъпи читателю, готов ли си да се потопиш в света на фантастичните създания? Преди много, много години, в ерата на магията, хората не се съмнявали в с..
teNeues Publishing has been nominated for the renowned LUCIE AWARD 2007 in the category Photography Book Publisher of the Year with Elliott Erwitt's Book Unseen. The LUCIE AWARDS - the photography community's Oscar - are awarded in NY each year to salute the achievements of the world's finest photog..
Now in paperback, this groundbreaking publication announces the death of the conventional portrait.Exploring bold new strategies of representation – computer manipulation, retouching, photomontage, found imagery and methods of veiling and disguising – the artists here present provocative faces t..
In 1955, Henri Cartier-Bresson published "The Europeans", a portrait of the continent documenting a landscape shadowed by the war. In this book, the photographer brings together images spanning the years from the late 1920s to the early 1970s. He has travelled across Europe, from the Scandinavian sh..
No man is an island. But almost all of us have dreamed of owning one at some time or other. A slice of paradise, where we could set the rules and create a vision of the world as it should be. Few ever realize this fantasy. Yet now you?re invited to take a peek at some of the world's most exclusive r..
Konichiwa cool!So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea—why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels..
What do we really know about our ancestors? Not about the rulers and generals, but about laborers, farmers, soldiers and families. Egypt is a perfect case in point, almost a blank slate for most of us as it regards details of their everyday life. This useful and informative book attempts to set the..
The extraordinarily luxurious objects and gadgets on display in this sumptuously illustrated book are symbols of the good life for many even as they remain available to a select few. Lamborghini and Maserati sports cars, Gulfstream jets as well as sleekly designed yachts all make their appearance in..
Anyone familiar with the long and tumultuous history of Berlin and those who have read about the changes wrought by the end of the Cold War should find Stefan Dauth's photographic portrait a valuable guide to this city on the cutting-edge. By concentrating on new perspectives of Berlin's most famili..
Here is a photographic portrait of Australia's premier city that illustrates why Sydney is the country's capital in everything but name. Whether he's photographing a landmark such as the Sydney Opera House, the spectacular sweep of Sydney Harbor, or street scenes that reveal the devil-may-care urban..
San Francisco has long been one of America's most attractive cities, "a gleaming jewel of the West Coast surrounded on three sides by water". Its hilly streets provide gorgeous glimpses of San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge and its neighbourhoods reveal a mosaic of a city whose residents a..