Издателство: SUMMERSDALE
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Start grooming your Gandalf and break out your Blessed; the beard is back. This impeccably turned-out little guide on the world's most famous facial embellishments will teach you how to groom, craft, style and quote your way to beard greatness...
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What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast is a powerful book about high productivity from bestselling author Laura Vanderkam. We're all busy. But we all waste time. What are the secrets of using every hour productively? How do the most successful people spend their time? In this brilliant ..
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Robin Sharma believes there are certain skills and attitudes that allow you to rise to extraordinary success. In his powerful new parable, he offers a story designed to help people from all walks of life to achieve great things. Blake DiFranco is down on his luck, trying to make ends meet. His job i..
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Creativity isn't an occupation, its a preoccupation. It is at the very core of what makes us human. Its also a fundamental challenge that everyone faces in the modern world, be they in business, in education or a struggling artist or musician. Being creative and innovative and communicating our idea..
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Welcome to the highly inspirational world of Keri Smith. Within the pages of "The Pocket Scavenger", readers will be instructed to collect a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more. Then, once thei..
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In The Magic a great mystery from a sacred text is revealed, and with this knowledge Rhonda Byrne takes the reader on a life-changing journey for 28 days. Step by step, day-by-day, secret teachings, revelations, and scientific law are brought together to form 28 simple practices that open the reader..
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