
Книги - Страница 1002

Отбой в полунощ
Издателство: Сиела ISBN: 9789542824909
Втората световна война е към края си. Съюзническите войски напредват към столицата на Третия райх. Група млади американци са изпратени в приказен замък сред Арденските гори, за да следят за евентуално германско настъпление. Те са обучени по специална програма, интелигентността им е доста над среднат..
14.90 лв.
How to Take Better Photos
Издателство: ROTOVISION ISBN: 9782888933472
How to Take Better Photos..
21.90 лв.
Sex : 369 Facts to Blow You Away
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781786850201
Did you know... Half an hour of sex is said to burn between 85 and 200 calories (the equivalent to 15 minutes on a treadmill). Most male giraffes are bisexual. Twelve per cent of adults claim to have had sex at work.Amaze your friends, break the ice at parties and fill awkward silences at job..
12.90 лв.
Me Without You
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849537926
Me without you is like...... Mowgli without Baloo... clock without cuckooShow your loved one just how much they mean to you and leave them feeling rosy inside with these heart-warming love bubbles...
12.90 лв.
Една опасна игра Кн. 2
Издателство: Фют ISBN: 3800083822493
Скъпи мои любопитни приятели, добре дошли, но ако ви е страх, изобщо не влизайте! В Замъка на страха ще преживеете големи приключения, но и много ще треперите...Матьo играе с приятели, с които се е запознал наскоро, и е твърдо решен да накара всички да му се възхищават. Затова никой не трябва да..
6.99 лв.
The Gift of Silence
Издателство: YELLOW JERSEY PRESS ISBN: 9781473673434
Do you struggle to find peace and quiet? Do you yearn to disconnect, find an escape, slow down and just breathe? Are you overwhelmed by modern life?The simple solution lies in this book. Rooted in the ancient Zen philosophies that ground her work, French Buddhist nun, Kankyo Tannier, will show you h..
24.90 лв.
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471170508
Troublemakers: How a Generation of Silicon Valley Upstarts Invented the Future**THE FINANCIAL TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE MONTH** THE GRIPPING TALE OF THE EARLY FRONTIER DAYS OF SILICON VALLEY FROM ACCLAIMED HISTORIAN LESLIE BERLIN. 'The book is compelling as it maps out the building of the Valle..
32.90 лв.
Girls Who Rocked The World
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471171017
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" Eleanor Roosevelt Get ready to meet some incredible young women who made their mark on the world before turning twenty and prove that when it comes to having an impact, there's no such thing as too young! Whether designing famou..
15.90 лв.
Blood and Sand
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781847394606
Blood and Sand: Suez, Hungary and the Crisis That Shook the World'This is proper history. It is illuminating to pick up this book with the twenty-first century's crises of Brexit and Iraq in mind.' Jeremy Bowen (BBC correspondent, and author of Six Days). Over sixteen extraordinary days in Octob..
24.99 лв.
Shoe Dog
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471170119
In this young readers edition of the international bestseller, Nike founder and board chairman Phil Knight 'offers a rare and revealing look at the notoriously media-shy man behind the swoosh' (Booklist), opening up about how he went from being a track star at an Oregon high school to the founder of..
19.90 лв.
Words and Your Heart
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471168536
Your words are amazing! This book is about your heart. The little bit inside of you that makes you, you! A very timely book about the power of words - and how we use them. Told through the eyes of Pip and Cat, this book beautifully demonstrates the importance of what we say - both positive and negat..
14.90 лв.
Вдъхновяващи истории на успели българи
ISBN: 9786197432008
„Вдъхновяващи истории на успели българи” разказва за пътя на българи от цял свят в различни сфери на дейност и с различни разбирания за успеха. Иноватори, спортисти, музиканти, фотографи, бохеми, пътешественици са само една малка част от голямата палитра на нашите събеседници.Книгата е събрал..
15.90 лв.
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