
Книги - Страница 1035

Светът на спокойствието
Издателство: SMART BOOKS ISBN: 9789549277067
Да се рееш като омагьосан сред феерична красота, екзалтиран въпреки липсата на думи, достатъчно ярки да я опишат, смирен пред свидетелствата за погребаната история на чужди трагедии - това е нещо, което повечето от нас могат да преживеят само насън. Говорим за глъбините на подводня свят с метафори, ..
24.00 лв.
Брежнев. Уйти вовремя
Издателство: АЛГОРИТМ ISBN: 9785443801209
Авторы этой книги - крупнейшие мировые политики XX века: Вилли Брандт был федеральным канцлером ФРГ в 1969-1974 годах; Генри Киссинджер являлся советником по национальной безопасности США в 1969-1975 годах и Государственным секретарем США с 1973 по 1977 год; Валери Жискар д'Эстен занимал пост презид..
18.90 лв.
Шедьоври на природата
Издателство: WHITE WALL MEDIA ISBN: 9786197081039
Тази удивителна книга е своеобразна изложба на някои от най-забележителните природни чудеса. Богато илюстрирана и снабдена с интересни факти, тя съпровожда читателя в това вълнуващо пътуване през дивата природа на земята - всеобхватен и в същото време интимен поглед върху нашата необикновена планета..
28.90 лв.
The Iconic House: Architectural Masterworks Since 1900
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500342558
"The Iconic House" features one hundred of the most important and influential architect-designed houses from around the world. With seminal works from such icons as Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright and Mies van der Rohe, as well as modern-day greats including Tadao Ando, Rem Koolhaas and Herzog & de..
96.90 лв.
The World According to Karl
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500517116
The ultimate repertoire of wit and wisdom from fashions sharpest pin Karl Lagerfeld is a modern master of couture. He is also famously outspoken: his wise, surprising statements pop up like offbeat news flashes. This collection of quotations pays homage to the legendary eminence grise of the fashion..
47.90 лв.
Gordon Parks
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500411094
Gordon Parks (1912-2006) was a pioneering figure in 20th-century photography. As well as being the first African-American photographer to join the Farm Security Administration (FSA) and to become a staff photographer for Life magazine, he was also a writer, film director and composer. Although best ..
25.90 лв.
Anders Petersen
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500411087
Anders Petersen (b. 1944) lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. He is noted for his intimate and personal documentary-style black-and-white photographs. In 1967, he started to photograph the late-night regulars (prostitutes, transvestites, drunks, lovers, drug addicts) in a bar in Hamburg, Germany, ..
25.90 лв.
Reuters - Our World Now: 6
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500290705
The sixth volume in this high-impact series captures 2012 in over 330 powerful photos. The book is organized into four sections representing the four quarters of the year. The images cover the full range of news reporting politics, commerce, conflict, accidents and disasters, the environment, faith ..
25.90 лв.
Formula 1 World Champions
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832796129
Text in English and GermanThe most thrilling show on earth“, as Bernie Ecclestone describes Formula 1 in his foreword, constantly brings forth new heroes. Drivers who stand out because of their special skills, great courage and willingness to push things to the limit at all times. The 32 world c..
145.90 лв.
The Golden Age of Formula 1
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832794361
Text in English, German, French, Spanish, and ItalianFew spectator sports generate such excitement as Formula 1. The name refers to the most advanced and competitive of the FIA’s racing formulae. It’s a raw combination of speed, skill, and that certain hint of daring. Journey back in time to the..
119.90 лв.
The BMW Book
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832796167
Text in English, German, and ChineseIts perfect synthesis of technology and design has made BMW one of the most influential brands in the world. This compelling illustrated volume gives the readers privileged insight into the unique development of this brand: fascinating motorcycles and automobi..
169.90 лв.
Beautiful Disasters
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832796587
Text in English, German, French, Spanish, and ItalianOur fantasies can be alluring but also bittersweet. It’s this tension that makes David Drebin’s sensuous imagery so spellbinding. In his latest collection, this acclaimed contemporary photographer creates taut visual narratives around each of ..
139.90 лв.