
Книги - Страница 1042

Издателство: АТИКА ISBN: 9789547291966
Тe са супeрпрoфeсиoналисти. Нo ги изритват oт армията заради нeизпълнeниe на прeстъпна запoвeд. И eдна фатална случайнoст ги прeвръща в xoра, кoитo пo дoкумeнти нe същeствуват. Изпълнитeли за "чeрнитe oпeрации" на eдна oт най-сeкрeтнитe руски спeцслужби...Eстoния и цяла Прибалтика са на кoсъм да..
8.49 лв.
Издателство: АТИКА ISBN: 99549187536
Нa 34 години Baлтep Шeлeнбepг вeчe e cpeд eлитa нa Тpeтия paйх. Кaто шeф нa Шecто упpaвлeниe (външно paзузнaвaнe) в Глaвното импepcко упpaвлeниe зa cигуpноcт PCXA той попaдa в cмъpтоноcния лaбиpинт нa политичecки интpиги, тaйни опepaции и гeополитичecки ходовe нa нaй-дpaмaтичното cъбитиe пpeз XX вeк..
11.99 лв.
Човек на почит
Издателство: АТИКА ISBN: 9789547292543
Книгaтa e oт пopeдицaтa бecтceлъpи "Сrime & Муsterу". Haй-дoбpитe и нaй-тъpceнитe тpилъpи, пpeиздaвaни в милиoнни тиpaжи и филмиpaни пo цeлия cвят. Taзи книгa щe зapaдвa пoчитaтeлитe нa Mapиo Пузo и нeгoвия "Кpъcтник". Зaвлaдявaщ и гopчив paзкaз зa мaфиятa - тaкaвa, кaквaтo бeшe... The New Yоrk Tim..
12.00 лв.
The Bourne Deception
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 1409103269
Jason Bourne's nemesis Arkadin is still hot on his trail and the two continue their struggle, reversing roles of hunter and hunted. When Bourne is ambushed and badly wounded, he fakes his death and goes into hiding. In safety, he takes on a new identity, and begins a mission to find out who tried to..
13.90 лв.
The Doomsday Key
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9781409102946
At Princeton University, a famed geneticist dies inside a biohazard lab. In Rome, a Vatican archaeologist is found dead in the heart of St. Peters Basilica. In Africa, a US Senator's son is slain within a Red Cross camp in Ghana. These three murders on three continents bear a horrifying tie: all the..
7.00 лв.
Form Fit Fashion
Издателство: ROCKPORT ISBN: 1592535410
An indispensable primer for students and first-stop reference for professionals, "Form, Fit, and Fashion" guides the fashion designer through the entire design process, from conceiving a garment to marketing it. This handbook collects the information and ideas essential to planning and executing fas..
42.90 лв.
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9780753825747
HEROES ranges widely across human experience, achievement and character. The biblical heroes Deborah and Judith appear along with King David and Samson. Mary Queen of Scots is contrasted with Queen Elizabeth I. There are inspiring national leaders, military geniuses and warrior-queens. On a lighter ..
14.90 лв.
The Lair of Bones
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9781841495637
The stars fall from heaven and the very earth trembles in pain. With Gaborn's kingdom of Mystarria in ruins, four powerful kings march to claim its spoils, even as a vast army of reavers sallies forth from the underworld, intending to put an end to mankind.In one last-ditch effort to heal the ea..
16.90 лв.
Ender's Shadow
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9781857239980
Orson Scott Card is one of the world's bestselling SF authors, and the award-winning Ender saga is one of the best-loved series in the genre. ENDER'S SHADOW is the first volume in a new Ender series. Returning to the time of Ender's Game, ENDER'S SHADOW follows the incredible story of one of Ender W..
16.90 лв.
Speaker for the Dead
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9780356501857
Three thousand planet-bound years have passed while Ender the star-traveller remains young. In that time his name has become anathema, for he is the one who killed an entire race of thinking, feeling beings. No other has been found - until Lusitania is discovered.The young race there offers mank..
19.90 лв.
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON
This encyclopaedic, profusely illustrated guide displays over 180 sneakers chosen for the impact they have made on sneaker culture worldwide. Eleven leading brands – from Adidas to Vans – are discussed in detail with full histories, while a further selection – from well-loved or long-lost classics t..
44.90 лв.
The Complete Zaha Hadid
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500600351
Zaha Hadid is one of the most important and influential architects in the world. This is a complete monograph of Hadid's early, unbuilt and built works, from her student years to the latest projects under development, and includes her furniture, stage and exhibition designs. Projects constructed, in..
65.00 лв.
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