
Книги - Страница 1046

Shoes A-Z: Designers, Brands, Manufacturers and Retailers
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500515266
A must-have for any shoe or fashion addict, "Shoes A-Z" tells the story of sixty years of shoes. This fun yet authoritative book covers more than 350 leading womens shoes designers and manufacturers, and includes a vast range of fashionable styles, from trainers to haute couture. Each illustrated en..
42.90 лв.
MusicBox: Photographing the All-time Greats
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500516003
Music and photography have always shared a special relationship when an iconic musician is portrayed by a first-rate photographer, the resulting image is often transformative and transcendent, and a classic pop culture image is born. Now, in the same popular and affordable format as Thames & Hudson'..
49.90 лв.
Fashion Design Course
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500288610
In this book, students will learn various methods of designing fashion, how to create and use inspirations, how fabric and colour strengthen a designers viewpoint, how to create dynamic fabric stories that form well-merchandized groups, and how to refine their own vision as a fashion designer. By ma..
39.90 лв.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cabin Fever
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 0141341882
Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged and Greg is the prime suspect. A surprise blizzard hits and the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he's going to have to face the music but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with ..
19.90 лв.
The Lost Hero Book 1
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 0141325496
This is the number one, bestselling title in this new spin-off series from Percy Jackson creator, Rick Riordan. Old enemies awaken as camp half-blood's new arrivals prepare for war. When Jason, Piper and Leo crash land at Camp Half-Blood, they have no idea what to expect. Apparently this is the only..
18.99 лв.
Do-it-yourself Book
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 0141339667
Now everyone can have their own Wimpy Kid diary! Draw your own Wimpy-Kid-style cartoons, fill in facts and lists, check out the full-colour comics inside and even write your own Wimpy Kid journal, just like Greg. This title now comes with dozens of pages of new content and a brand new cover...
11.99 лв.
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854404687
Gardens - White Star...
10.90 лв.
Automobiles: Legendary Models of History and Innovation
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854405707
Many cars have simply traveled on the road. Some models, on the other hand, have contributed to the history of four-wheeled transportation. An innovative and captivating line, an original design, the introduction of new elements, and the verve to ride in fashionable and trendy cars are the ingredien..
49.90 лв.
Legendary Motorcycles
Издателство: WHITE STAR ISBN: 9788854404489
A superbly illustrated chronicle of the most influential and innovative motorcycle models from the past 100 years. Motorcycles connote images of freedom and free spirits. They have inspired songs like "Born to be Wild" and helped make the image of James Dean. They`ve come a long way from their ungai..
49.90 лв.
Издателство: MILLENIUM
Джак живее в Стая и дори не подозира, че извън нея съществува свят като този в Телевизор. Един ден обаче токът спира и нищо за него и Мам вече няма да е същото..."Една от най-въздействащите книги, който съм чел от много време насам." Джон Бойн, автор на „Момчето с раираната пижама”"Силна..
15.00 лв.
Училище за вълшебства и други истории
Издателство: Дамян Яков ISBN: 954527512X
Михаел Енде е сред най-известните разказвачи на приказни истории. Повече от половин век неговите писани фантазии се четат от деца и възрастни. Книгите му са преведени на повече от 40 езика, от тях са продадени над 20 млн. копия по света. Този мъдър човек завинаги остава с душа на дете и пише своите ..
9.80 лв.
Коледен календар
Издателство: АЛЕКС ПРИНТ
В книжката ще откриете:Писмо до Дядо Коледа Игри, повишаващи IQ Коледни картички Оцветявки..
8.90 лв.
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