
Книги - Страница 1058

Невидимото дете
Издателство: Дамян Яков
Oтново с невероятните герои нa Tуве Янсон и теxните симпaтични приключения. Книжкaтa съдържa историите нa Филифйонкaтa, която вярвa в чудесa, нa Xемулът, който обичa тишинaтa, нa Hевидимото дете, нa Cедрик, нa Eлxaтa, нa xaтифнaтите и теxните тaйни..."... Змеят доплувa до стъкленaтa стенa и отво..
7.00 лв.
Cool Hotels Italy
Издателство: teNeues
teNeues is happy to announce that the title Cool Hotels Italy has won the Prix Villegiature 2008 in the category “Best hotel book published in Europe 2008”.Since Roman times, Italy has been a byword for cutting-edge style. There's simply nowhere better to indulge in some elegant hedonism. ..
15.00 лв.
Cool Hotels Spa & Wellness
Издателство: teNeues
teNeues is happy to announce that the title Cool Hotels Spa & Wellness has won the Prix Villegiature 2008 in the category “Best hotel book published in Europe 2008”.Travel used to be considered stressful…now, you can have some refreshing rejuvenation wherever your travel destinati..
15.00 лв.
The High Lord
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9781841493152
In the city of Imardin, where those who wield magic wield power, a young street-girl, adopted by the Magician's Guild, finds herself at the centre of a terrible plot that may destroy the entire world ...Sonea has learned much at the magicians’ guild and the other novices now treat her with a gru..
15.90 лв.
The Electric Church
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9781841496160
The story of the wily Avery Cates, being chased by the sinister Monks and the System Police is non-stop and action packed with lots of rollicking twists and turns. In the bleak and poverty stricken near-future, the population walks around lost and purpose-less. Everyone either seems to be a thief or..
12.00 лв.
The Magicians' Guild
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9781841499604
Each year the magicians of Imardin gather together to purge the city streets of vagrants, urchins and miscreants. Masters of the disciplines of magic, they know that no one can oppose them. But their protective shield is not as impenetrable as they believe.Sonea, angry, frustrated and outraged b..
21.90 лв.
Издателство: ORBIT ISBN: 9781841492940
Darkness has fallen on the lands of the sun as an army of misshapen fey spill out from beyond the Shadowline. At their head is Yasammez, dark creature of nightmare. A furtive bargain was struck at the gates of Southmarch and the castle was spared, but centuries of enmity will not be so easily appeas..
20.90 лв.
Благодаря ти, мамо
Издателство: Дамян Яков
Cтиxoтвopeния, пecни, pазкази, афopизми и пoжeлания за майката."За тoва, чe пoпиваш cълзитe ми, кoгатo cъм тъжна. За тoва, чe ми казваш, чe cъм кpаcива. За тoва, чe ми pазказваш пpиказки. За тoва, чe cи дo мeн, кoгатo cъм бoлна. За тoва, чe мe пoдкpeпяш да дам най-дoбpoтo oт ceбe cи. За тoв..
12.00 лв.
Кеворк проговаря 2: Тайните дневници 2004-2008
Издателство: MILLENIUM ISBN: 9789545150197
К. идва да се съветва за някакъв шантав телевизионен проект и ме пита дали не е постъпил глупаво.„Виж сега, какво е глупост, какво е да не си с целия си - казвам. - По правило публикуват дневници поне 20-30 години след смъртта на авторите им. А пък аз го правя сега, ето това е истинска лудост. ..
8.60 лв.
Ecological Design
Издателство: teNeues
With a growing emphasis on green living, the design world is becoming more ecological. These groundbreaking designs appeal to the eye, the mind—and the planet. And there's a dash of whimsy as well! It includes chapters on furniture, lighting, housewares, children's goods, industrial design, office d..
15.00 лв.
Ecological Houses
Издателство: teNeues
As we seek to reduce our footprint on the planet, our need for ecological housing grows. This resource profiles the most innovative green dwellings available today. With ingenious design and intelligent application of technology, these homes offer a viable way to meet our needs now and for future ge..
15.00 лв.
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