
Книги - Страница 1073

Logos: making a strong mark
Издателство: ROCKPORT ISBN: 9781592530786
Logos are among designers' most highly sought-after projects, but they are often one of the most difficult projects for a designer to nail. This book takes a look at those challenges - the logos that have truly pushed a designer's creativity and forced him or her to reach inside. The authors examine..
76.00 лв.
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500287323
Now in paperback, this groundbreaking publication announces the death of the conventional portrait.Exploring bold new strategies of representation – computer manipulation, retouching, photomontage, found imagery and methods of veiling and disguising – the artists here present provocative faces t..
47.00 лв.
A2Z and More Signs
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286043
This astonishing book of alphabets, emblems and logos brings together the editors own selection of alphabets and features from their two famous previous volumes, "Alphabets and Other Signs" and "ABZ: More Alphabets and Other Signs", and adds much more new material. Capricious and unpredictable, "A2Z..
49.90 лв.
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Eco-Design Handbook
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500285213
The Eco-Design Handbook is the first book to present the best-designed objects for every aspect of the home and office, including the most environmentally sound materials and building products. The book contains three essential components. An introduction puts forward the history and latest thinking..
44.90 лв.
Hannibal Rising
Издателство: WILLIAM HEINEMANN ISBN: 9780434014088
He is one of the most haunting characters in all of literature. At last, the evolution of his evil is revealed. Hannibal Lecter emerges from the nightmare of the Eastern Front, a boy in the snow, mute, with a chain around his neck. He seems utterly alone, but he has brought his demons with him. Hann..
15.00 лв.
Mr. Peabody's Apples
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780140569674
This is the second picture book from Madonna with beautiful artwork by American artist Loren Long. Tommy Tittlebottom sees Mr Peabody taking an apple from Mr Funkadeli's fruit market and is very surprised that he doesn't pay. Then Tommy sees it happen again and decides that Mr Peabody is a thief. Wo..
17.90 лв.
Цар Лъв
Издателство: Егмонт ISBN: 9789542700210
Цар Лъв е история за приключенията на Симба и за превръщането му във възрастен и отговорен владетел на Лъвските земи. Докато е малко и безгрижно лъвче, баща му, цар Муфаса, го учи за Великия кръговрат на живота - крехкото равновесие в природата, което свързва всички животни в едно. Но Скар, злият бр..
16.90 лв.
Алиса в страната на чудесата
Издателство: Егмонт ISBN: 9789542731535
Ако покрай теб изведнъж профучи бял заек, който е облечен с жилетка, носи часовник и си мърмори, че закъснява, няма ли да си любопитен да научиш къде отива? Това се случва в един топъл пролетен ден на малката Алиса. Обзета от любопитство, тя решава да го последва и попада в свят със странни същества..
16.90 лв.
Luxury Houses Seaside
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832791094
languages - English, German, French, Spanish, ItalianDays by the beach mean relaxation and a chance to swim and sunbathe. It’s a laid-back, existence, far from the pressures of modern living. Although life is more casual in the luxury beach houses of this lavishly illustrated volume, it’s still ..
46.90 лв.
Luxury Private Islands
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832791100
No man is an island. But almost all of us have dreamed of owning one at some time or other. A slice of paradise, where we could set the rules and create a vision of the world as it should be. Few ever realize this fantasy. Yet now you?re invited to take a peek at some of the world's most exclusive r..
46.90 лв.
Door & Window Design
Издателство: teNeues
Doors and windows are distinctive elements of a building’s style. They define a building’s appearance, as well as playing a crucial role in ventilation, lighting, and insulation. This comprehensive round-up features the many door and window types available today, including the most recent technical ..
15.00 лв.
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