
Книги - Страница 1075

Luxury Toys
Издателство: teNeues
The extraordinarily luxurious objects and gadgets on display in this sumptuously illustrated book are symbols of the good life for many even as they remain available to a select few. Lamborghini and Maserati sports cars, Gulfstream jets as well as sleekly designed yachts all make their appearance in..
47.00 лв.
Luxury Hotels Spa & Wellness
Издателство: teNeues
At these luxury hostelries, you'll receive the levels of comfort and convenience you'd expect from the finest hotels, but you'll also feel revitalized thanks to their emphasis on relaxation and wellness. Whether a fully equipped spa, where you'll receive an array of pampering treatments, or a kitche..
46.90 лв.
One 2 One
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832791001
42.00 лв.
The Old Devils
Издателство: VINTAGE ISBN: 9780099461050
Malcolm, Peter and Charlie and their Soave-sodden wives have one main ambition left in life: to drink Wales dry. But their routine is both shaken and stirred when they are joined by professional Welshman Alun Weaver (CBE) and his wife, Rhiannon."A brilliant novel... It is sadly comic and comical..
18.00 лв.
Dead Souls
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 0752883623
Stalking a poisoner at the local zoo, Inspector John Rebus comes across a paedophile taking pictures of children. When the social workers claim he is there for legitimate educational reasons, Rebus is faced with a dilemma - should he be outed to protect local kids or given a chance to start anew? As..
14.90 лв.
The Road to Gandolfo
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 0752858599
General MacKenzie Hawkins is a living military legend, a hero and a rogue. Sam Devereaux is a bright young ex-Harvard lawyer, now in the army, and he can't wait to get out. When the Hawk gets kicked out of the army for conduct unbecoming to an officer, his options are limited - but not for long. He ..
13.90 лв.
Седемте смъртоносни чудеса - книга 1
Издателство: Бард ISBN: 99549187118
Най-голямото търсене на съкровища в историята! Затегнете коланите и се вкопчете в живота си! Отчаяна надпревара за намиране на легендарните Седем чудеса на света. Пирамидионът Преди 4500 години величествен златен пирамидион стоял на върха на Голямата пирамида в Гиза. Славен и красив, той бил изто..
16.99 лв.
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286074
Originally published as two separate books - "Basic Perspective" and "Creative Perspective" - this new, enlarged and combined volume provides a clear and simple explanation of the principles of perspective and how an understanding of them - even in our technology-led world - is the key for architect..
34.90 лв.
Главата на Гогол. Игрите на гения, или животът на Леонардо
Издателство: Жанет 45 ISBN: 9544912606
B биoгpaфичнaтa cи книгa "Дa бъдeш Бoш" Aнaтoлий Кopoльoв твъpди, чe вeчe живeeл чeтвъpтия cи живoт и чe пpeдишния път ce бил poдил oкoлo 1470 гoдинa в eпoxaтa нa Къcнoтo cpeднoвeкoвиe в Сeвepeн Бpaбaнт, в Xepцoгeнбoc, къдeтo cтaнaл учeник нa xудoжникa Йepoнимуc Бoш и мaecтpoтo гo дoпуcнaл дo paбoтa..
8.99 лв.
Николай Николаевич. Кенгуру
Издателство: Жанет 45 ISBN: 9549772365
"Юз Aлeшкoвски e poдeн пpeз 1929 гoдинa, a eмигpиpa пpeз 1979-a пoкpaй aлмaнaxa "Мeтpoпoл", къдeтo e пъpвaтa му публикaция. И тъй кaтo и тoзи aлмaнax излизa зa пpъв път нa Зaпaд, всичкo публикувaнo oт Aлeшкoвски, всички пoвeсти и poмaни - "Hикoлaй Hикoлaeвич", "Кeнгуpу", "Мaскиpoвкa", "Ръкaтa" "Сини..
10.99 лв.
Vertical View
South of the Border, West of the Sun
Издателство: VINTAGE ISBN: 9780099448570
Growing up in the suburbs in post-war Japan, Hajime and Shimamoto had been childhood sweethearts. The two eventually lost touch but now, in their thirties, they meet up again. Hajime, now a father and husband, finds himself catapulted into the past, risking all that he has in the present. Growing up..
23.99 лв.
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