
Книги - Страница 1095

Cool Hotels America
Издателство: teNeues
Cool Hotels, America is an extensive compilation of the most contemporary hotels in North, Central, and South America, all of which have been chosen because they represent the best in innovative design. Copiously illustrated with hundreds of color photographs of hotels designed by renowned figures s..
15.00 лв.
Rome Houses
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783823845645
The streets of Rome may be filled with monuments to its imperial past but among the Renaissance palaces and Baroque basilicas, tombs and medieval bell towers, are several impressive examples of contemporary architecture and design. Packed with over 400 color illustrations that reveal a range of inte..
15.00 лв.
Sport Design
Издателство: teNeues
Sport Design presents the newest models and prototypes ofwell-known designers in the world of sports. Generously illustrated with over400 color photographs that focus exclusively on the products themselves, thebook features equipment organized by sports corresponding to each of the fourelements: 'Ea..
7.00 лв.
Ultimate Hotel Design
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783823845942
This illustrated volume takes the reader on a visual tour of more than 60 of the world's most outstanding hotels. It is divided equally among metropolitan and resort hotels in North and South America, Europe and the Middle East and contains colour photographs...
42.00 лв.
История костюма
Издателство: АСТРЕЛЬ ISBN: 9785271275272
Почему мы одеты так, а не иначе? Почему брюки считаются мужской одеждой, а юбка - женской, ведь когда-то этого разделения не существовало: древнеримские воины носили платья до земли, а бородатые русские мужи, которых было трудно упрекнуть в женственности, - сарафаны. Почему рубашки, платья, куртки и..
37.90 лв.
Двойственият живот на една вещица
Издателство: ЕКСЛИБРИС
В oбъpкaния и бeзличeн живoт нa Зapa внeзaпнo ce пoявявa Mapтa, дpeвнa вeщицa, и й дaвa oт cилaтa cи. С нaпътcтвиятa нa учитeлкaтa cи млaдaтa жeнa пocтигa мнoгo, нo в eдин мoмeнт ce изпpaвя пpeз избopa или дa зaгуби мaгичecкитe cи cпocoбнocти, или дa пpичини cмъpттa нa cкъп зa нeя мъж. В кpaйнa cмeт..
12.00 лв.
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