
Книги - Страница 86

Издателство: Персей ISBN: 9786192490102
‌Книгата включва стихотворенията на Вапцаров, изучавани в училище по новата учебна програма, както и техните анализи. Целта на изданието е да помогне на преподавателите и учениците при тяхната подготовка в училище, а също и за успешно представяне на най-важ¬ните изпити (НВО след 10. кл. и ДЗИ след 1..
3.90 лв.
Издателство: Егмонт ISBN: 9789542733911
Това заглавие не се препоръчва за лица под 18 години. Историята е плод на авторовото въображение. Изданието може да съдържа експлицитен език и/или графично описание на сцени на насилие, секс, психически и физически тормоз и други действия, които могат да навредят на психичното ви здраве. Ако някое о..
24.90 лв.
Издателство: Егмонт ISBN: 9771314045018
Дали под вода, на сушата или в космоса – няма място, където рожденикът Доналд Дък да не е оставил следи през годините. Уникалната кариера на най-известния паток в света започва през 1934 г., когато се появява за първи път в анимационен филм. Оттогава той не спира да вдъхновява хората със своите прик..
9.99 лв.
Издателство: Random House ISBN: 9780593067772
In the spring of 1971, Owen Brand and his family move to the riverside town of Middlecross in a renewed attempt to escape poverty. For twelve-year-old Owen, its the opportunity for a new life and an end to his familys isolation and he quickly falls in with a gang of three local boys and forms a stro..
39.90 лв.
ISBN: 9780385618984
In the four decades since his first book appeared in print, Terry Pratchett has become one of the world's best-selling and best-loved authors. Here for the first time are his short stories and other short form fiction collected into one volume. A Blink of the Screen charts the course of Pratchett's ..
38.25 лв.
Издателство: Random House ISBN: 9780553814712
The emperors tears will unlock the gate... Eugene of Tielen has won the five Tears of Artamon, the legendary rubies which entitle him to be crowned emperor of the five countries of the ancient divided empire of Rossiya. But on the eve of his coronation, when the rubies are brought together for the f..
7.00 лв.
ISBN: 9780552562898
Tiffany Aching is a trainee witch — now working for the seriously scary Miss Treason. But when Tiffany witnesses the Dark Dance — the crossover from summer to winter — she does what no one has ever done before and leaps into the dance. Into the oldest story there ever is. And draws the attention of ..
16.90 лв.
Издателство: VIRGIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780753515037
In Business Stripped Bare , Sir Richard Branson shares the inside track on his life in business and reveals the incredible truth about his most risky, brilliant and audacious deals. Discover why Virgin tried to take on one of the world's biggest superbrands, how Virgin Mobile USA holds the record as..
19.99 лв.
ISBN: 9780552173902
2070-71. Nearly six decades after Step Day and in the Long Earth, the new Next post-human society continues to evolve.For Joshua Valient?, now in his late sixties, it is time to take one last solo journey into the High Meggers: an adventure that turns into a disaster. Alone and facing death, his onl..
11.88 лв.
ISBN: 9781529118513
‘It’s been a long time coming, I swear...’In four years Stormzy has risen from one of the most promising musicians of his generation to a spokesperson for a generation. Rise Up is the story of how he got there. It’s a story about faith and the ideas worth fighting for. It’s about knowing where you’r..
10.00 лв.
Издателство: Random House ISBN: 9781911215721
One September evening in 1785, the merchant Jonah Hancock finds one of his captains waiting eagerly on his doorstep. He has sold Jonah’s ship for what appears to be a mermaid.As gossip spreads through the docks, coffee shops, parlours and brothels, everyone wants to see Mr Hancock’s marvel. Its arri..
27.00 лв.
ISBN: 9780552574235
My disease is as rare as it is famous. It’s a form of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, but basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in fifteen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla.But then one day, a moving truck arrives. New n..
17.99 лв.
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