My Life in Diagrams
Година на издаване: | 2017 |
Език: | Английски |
Корица: | Paperback |
Страници: | 80 |
Издател/Прозиводител: | PORTICO |
ISBN/Barcode: | 9781911042525 |
Код: | 0890.00031 |
Размери: | 0.25 kg ( 21 cm x 18 cm ) |
5.00 (6 ratings by Goodreads)
15.90 лв.
От същия бранд
How many hours did you think you'd spend at the gym this week? How many hours did you actually spend at the gym this week? Use this book to record your life in diagrams with bar charts, line graphs, pie charts and Venn diagrams. Fill in the charts with information on your everyday life, whether it's how much you're snacking, how you rate the movies you go to, or which category your friends fall into. Once complete, you will have an at-a-glance summary of your life.