Издателство: PORTICO
ISBN: 9781911042532
101 nifty tips, some more serious than others, for getting you through a January without booze. A book of 101 tips for people engaged in the increasingly popular Dry January movement, in which you give up alcohol for the whole of January. Tips range from the practical ('Put a lock on your drinks cab..
12.90 лв.
Издателство: PORTICO
ISBN: 9781910232033
Welcome to the world of the chilli cult. All over the globe, people are getting together to grow chilli, taste chilli and make sauce hot enough to blow their heads off. Competition among chilli -growers is fierce, and tall tales of dastardly deeds abound. This sizzling-hot book is your essential gui..
22.90 лв.
Издателство: PORTICO
ISBN: 9781911042525
How many hours did you think you'd spend at the gym this week? How many hours did you actually spend at the gym this week? Use this book to record your life in diagrams with bar charts, line graphs, pie charts and Venn diagrams. Fill in the charts with information on your everyday life, whether it's..
15.90 лв.
Издателство: PORTICO
ISBN: 9781907554452
Following hot on the hilarious heels of Shit London comes the naughty, but very funny, Rude London. The book is 130 of the funniest, rudest and real photographs of London caught with its proverbial pants down. From hilarious real street signs to real pub names to an assortment of weird, wonderful an..
20.90 лв.
Издателство: PORTICO
ISBN: 9781907554346
'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life' Samuel Johnson (Dead) London. England's capital of culture, finance, fashion and forward thinking. A city where the ancient meets the modern, the chic and, let's be honest, the shit. Despite the best efforts to smarten up the city before the 2012 ..
21.90 лв.
Издателство: PORTICO
ISBN: 9781907554735
'Nobody is healthy in London. Nobody can be.' Jane Austen Once all the hype, hyperbole and hysteria of the 2012 Olympics has quickly been discarded in the nostalgia bin, Londoners' will no doubt be left with all the actual tidying-up. But once all that tidying up has been done, Londoners' will then ..
21.90 лв.
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