Продукти отговарящи на търсенето
Издателство: Random House
ISBN: 9780552167833
Though Amazon.com started off delivering books through the mail, its visionary founder, Jeff Bezos, was never content with being just a bookseller. He wanted Amazon to become ‘the everything store’, offering limitless selection and seductive convenience at disruptively low prices. To achieve that en..
23.99 лв.
Издателство: Сиела
ISBN: 9789542847984
Бурната история на Израел създава цяла галерия от смели, изобретателни и уверени жени. Много от тях са вербувани от Мосад или от военното разузнаване, други постъпват на служба доброволно и дори замислят и планират рисковани мисии, без да търсят инструкции или обучение от никого. Много плащат висок..
27.90 лв.
Издателство: Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 9781529384796
Amazon is the fastest company ever to reach $100 billion in sales and they didn't reach that landmark by staying in their comfort zone. Risk taking is the key that unlocked the door to growth at Amazon, but those risks were (and are) intentional, calculated, and strategic. Thomas Edison believed, "I..
25.99 лв.
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER
ISBN: 9781471184161
Amazon is the business story of the decade. Jeff Bezos, the richest man on the planet, has built one of the most efficient wealth-creation machines in history.Like a giant squid, Amazon's tentacles are squeezing industry after industry and, in the process, upsetting the state of technology, the econ..
21.99 лв.
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER
ISBN: 9781398500969
From the bestselling author of The Everything Store, an unvarnished picture of Amazon's unprecedented growth and its billionaire founder, Jeff Bezos, revealing the most important business story of our time.With the publication of The Everything Store in 2013, Bloomberg journalist Brad Stone revealed..
27.99 лв.
Издателство: Бард
ISBN: 9789545853956
Агент на ЦРУ изчезва в амазонската джунгла. Четири години по-късно неговият шеф получава съобщение от бразилска морга, потвърждаващо смъртта. В свръхсекретна папка има фотография на агента, направена преди убийството. На снимката той е размахал единствената ръка, която му е о..
19.99 лв.
Издателство: Random House
ISBN: 9780552173438
For all that’s been written about the Four over the last two decades, no one has captured their power and staggering success as insightfully as Scott Galloway.Instead of buying the myths these companies broadcast, Galloway asks fundamental questions. How did the Four infiltrate our lives so complet..
23.99 лв.
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