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ISBN: 8710141130444
Тънкописците Pigma Micron са водоустойчиви и придават постоянни фини линии. Финият връх прави тази писалка идеална за създаване както на технически, така и на художествени рисунки. Уникалното мастило Sakura Pigma не да изтича през хартията, то е постоянно, водоустойчиво, устойчиво на избледняв..
18.90 лв.
ISBN: 8710141130536
Маркерите Pigma използват бързосъхнещо мастило, което е оцветено с пигмент, а не боядисано, което ги прави устойчиви на избледняване срещу слънчева светлина и UV светлина. Мастилото е без киселини и е напълно архивно.Този комплект включва три черни маркера Pigma с влакнести върхове със средна точка,..
16.00 лв.
Издателство: Клевър Бук
ISBN: 9786197701463
Read and act out!In this pack, you will find a book of the classical story as well as eight hard card figures.В тази кутия ще намерите книжка с адаптация на класическа приказка в комбинация с осем фигурки от дебел картон.Прочетете историята и разиграйте любимите си сцени от „Трите прасенца“. Братчет..
14.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241606872
Peppa and George are getting ready for bed, but where's Peppa's Teddy?Lift the flaps to help Peppa search for her favourite toy - will she find him before bedtime?Young readers will love the interactive flaps on every spread!..
15.99 лв.
ISBN: 5010993887224
Любимото прасенце Пепа е тук, за да зарадва малки и големи. Играта на Monopoly никога не е била толкова цветна и щура. Играчите местят своите жетони с Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig или Daddy Pig около дъската, купувайки имоти като Snowy Mountain, Peppa's House и Grandpa Pig's Garden.Малчуганът ще..
42.90 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241607121
"I AM a magical unicorn!"Join Peppa, George and all their friends for another adventure!Peppa has ALWAYS wanted to be a magical unicorn and Mummy Pig thinks she can help! But will Peppa's wishes come true? And what about her friends? Discover this hilarious, colourful bedtime story, perfect for fans..
15.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241659359
Peppa and her friends are singing their favourite nursery rhymes at playgroup.This chunky tabbed board book is the perfect introduction to classic nursery rhymes.Sing along to: Mary had a Little Lamb, Hey Diddle Diddle, Hickory Dickory Dock, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row Row Your Boat, The Wheels on th..
18.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241309049
Preschoolers will love this amazing board book with a brand-new story about Mummy Pig's birthday! Not only does it play 'Happy Birthday!' when you press a button, it also contains candles that 'light up' and can be blown out, again and again, providing hours of fun!..
20.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241659540
Peppa and her friends want to know what starting school will be like, so Madame Gazelle suggests they pretend to have a first day at big school together.What will Peppa think of big school and how different will it be to playgroup? Find out by lifting the flaps in this gorgeous picture book.Peppa lo..
18.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241543399
It's the most magical time of the year, and Peppa has made a wish to have an adventure with an elf from Santa's workshop!When mysterious things start happening all around her, Peppa thinks it's the work of a naughty elf! What is really going on?..
14.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241616321
This lovely book has colourful dragons popping out of every page! Open the book and see the magic jump out!Peppa and George are on an adventure to find lots of different dragons and see their magic powers - how many will they find?Keep little hands busy with this brilliant book!..
21.99 лв.
Издателство: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241476482
The fun story shows little ones that even George wasn't sure about using the potty at first.Featuring a big sound button to cheer George on, this noisy board book for toddlers is the perfect potty training partner...
19.99 лв.