Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836530170
In the latter half of the 19th century, in the verdant countryside near Aix-en-Provence, Paul Cezanne (1839-1906), busily plied his brush to landscapes and still lifes that would become anchors of modern art. With compact, intense dabs of paint and bold new approaches to light and space, he mediated..
32.99 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836561365
Innocence on the run: Sebastiao Salgado s focus series on child migrants and refugeesIn every crisis situation, children are the greatest victims. Physically weak, they are often the first to succumb to hunger, disease, and dehydration. Innocent to the workings and failings of the world, they are un..
94.99 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836554053
Time travel: A pictogram journey through now and thenIn this third installment in her pictogram series for TASCHEN, leading graphic designer Yang Liu brings the way we were face to face with the way we are. Hot on the heels of the bestselling predecessors, Today meets Yesterday deploys the same vivi..
20.90 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836544924
This book deals with the seminal surrealist. It explores Dali's grandiose and grotesque oeuvre. Picasso called Dali "an outboard motor that's always running." Dali thought himself a genius with a right to indulge in whatever lunacy popped into his head. Painter, sculptor, writer, and filmmaker, Salv..
44.99 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836509275
(German / French / English)
This is the first of a three volumes monograph which features all of Frank Lloyd Wright's designs, both realized and unrealized. This volume covers the early Chicago years and the Prairie Houses, the period which provoked a profound influence on European architects.Frank..
299.95 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836526814
Today's starchitects. Currents in architecture around the world. "Architecture Now!" has become the international reference for information on what is happening in the world of contemporary architecture. Volume 8 reviews new and exiting projects completed and under construction in the whole world. N..
59.95 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836528863
A collection of Helmut Newton's test PolaroidsPolaroids occupy a special place in the hearts of many photo enthusiasts who remember a time when "instant photography" meant one-of-a-kind prints that developed within minutes of clicking the shutter. What was once a crucial tool for photographers t..
85.99 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 3822846384
Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George Bush and Tony Blair chatting in the sauna, Mick Jagger doing gymnastics, and Monica Lewinsky lighting Bill Clinton's cigar. Or has she? The likenesses are uncanny, but of course, her subjects are look-alikes. Her photos demon..
68.00 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783822857687
"The array of buildings by Renzo Piano is staggering in scope and comprehensive in the diversity of scale, material, and form. He is truly an architect whose sensibilities represent the widest range of this and earlier centuries." Such was the description of Renzo Piano given by the Pritzker Prize j..
199.00 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836563536
Celebrating the centennial of a groundbreaking School of Art and Design, this volume marks the founding of the Bauhaus with a visual exploration of its most underrated members. While the institution provided women with new opportunities in education, along the way, they were faced with unreasonable ..
78.99 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783822823217
A series of photo books that feature famous personalities in the
history of cinema. These books contains 150 portraits, posters and lobby
cards, rare film stills, and photos showing the stars as they really
16.00 лв.
Издателство: TASCHEN
ISBN: 9783836584586
Virtually unparalleled in scope and spanning more than five decades, the photography of visionary Helmut Newton (1920–2004) reached millions through publication in magazines like Vogue and Elle. His oeuvre transcended genres, bringing elegance, style, and voyeurism to fashion, portrait, and glamour ..
175.99 лв.