365 Inspirations for a Joyful Life
Година на издаване: | 2016 |
Език: | Английски |
Корица: | Hardcover |
Страници: | 392 |
Издател/Прозиводител: | WHITE STAR |
ISBN/Barcode: | 9788854410657 |
Код: | 0142.00316 |
Размери: | 1.27 kg ( 21 cm x 20 cm ) |
4.40 (35 ratings by Goodreads)
29.99 лв.
От същия бранд
“Never give up. Great things take time.” Sometimes, you need a little motivation to face the day with a positive attitude. This splendidly photographed little book can help. In addition to 365 inspirational images that impart strength and serenity, it features maxims, nuggets of wisdom, and practical advice that will support your personal journey, increase your self-esteem, and stimulate an optimistic outlook on life.