
Всички продукти

Автомобили, влакове, кораби и самолети. Илюстрирана енциклопедия на превозните средства
Издателство: Книгомания ISBN: 9786191951109
С тази впечатляваща книга се пригответе за шеметно пътуване по суша, въздух и вода. Подкарайте червения суперавтомобил, вземете си билет за скоростен влак, запазете си място на луксозен лайнер или влезте в кокпита на свръхзвуков реактивен самолет.В енциклопедията "Автомобили, влакове, кораби и с..
38.00 лв.
Шерлок Холмс - Изгубените случаи
Издателство: Книгомания ISBN: 9786191950928
Над 140 предизвикателства за мисълта, вдъхновени от най великия детектив на света„Когато сте изключили невъзможното, това, което остане – колкото и да е невероятно – трябва да бъде истината.“ – Шерлок ХолмсНАЙ-ВЕЛИКИЯТ ДЕТЕКТИВ НА СВЕТА СЕ ЗАВРЪЩА…Използвайте своите дедуктивни способност..
19.90 лв.
Bike Rorn - Mountain Bikes
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849537438
All mountain bikes are made for the great outdoors but some bikes are made for greatness. This seductive selection of photographs and inspirational words brings together close-ups, full-body shots and thrilling action, from mountain biking's hottest rigids, hardtails and full-suspensions. For those ..
29.90 лв.
Good Shit, Bad Shit
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781909865075
There's GOOD SHIT and there's BAD SHIT. No matter what kind of shit's happening in your world, this journal will help you get through it. Scribble away your stress, ink your indecision and transcribe your triumphs - whatever it takes to tackle life's many little ups and downs!..
16.90 лв.
Jack Shit
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849531719
You can’t polish a turd but you can cover it in glitter! If you’re down in the dumps or feeling a bit poo then this grubby book is the one for you...
15.90 лв.
CIA's Most Wanted Dogs
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849532952
Have you seen these Doggy Desperadoes? This gang of bow-wow bandits have one thing in common - they're all on the Canine Intelligence Agency's most wanted list. They may look cute, cuddly and even comical but appearances can be deceptive. These mutts have been responsible for some of the worst crime..
14.90 лв.
How to Unplug - Get off Your Gadgets and Start Enjoying Real Life
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849538565
Get Your Life Back. Do you feel like a slave to your smartphone? Are you constantly glued to a screen? If it seems like you've become a technology junkie, there's help at hand. This sanity-saving collection of ideas and inspiration will motivate you to switch off your gadgets and get more out of lif..
14.90 лв.
The Little Book of Irish Jokes
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849539531
'What would you be if you weren't Irish?' asked the barman. Pat replied, 'Ashamed!' There are two types of people in this world: the Irish, and those who wish they were. But wherever you're from, The Little Book of Irish Jokes is packed with grand gags and Celtic wisecracks that will give you the gi..
12.90 лв.
The Little Book of Beards
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849536233
Start grooming your Gandalf and break out your Blessed; the beard is back. This impeccably turned-out little guide on the world's most famous facial embellishments will teach you how to groom, craft, style and quote your way to beard greatness...
12.90 лв.
The Meaning of Shit - A Scatalogicon
Издателство: SUMMERSDALE ISBN: 9781849535021
What is the meaning of shit? Philosophers and fools have long searched for the answer to this question and now the world's extensive shit wisdom has been collected in this informative and meaningful collection. From doctors (Take two shits and call me in the morning) to waiters (You want fries with ..
12.90 лв.
Shoe Dog - A memoir by the Creator of Nike
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471146718
In 1962, fresh out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed $50 from his father and created a company with a simple mission: import high-quality, low-cost athletic shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from the boot of his Plymouth, Knight grossed $8000 in his first year. Today, Nike's annual sales to..
26.90 лв.
Marathon Man - One Man, One Year, 370 Marathons
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471152870
Marathon Man is a truly remarkable book that will inspire all who read it to know that they can take on the biggest challenges in their lives and overcome them. It all began when Rob's fiancee, exasperated as he sat slumped in front of the television watching the London marathon, bet him 20p that he..
33.90 лв.
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