
Всички продукти

I'll Never Write My Memoirs
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471135231
Born in 1948 into a family of ministers in Kingston, Jamaica, the statuesque and strikingly beautiful Grace Jones lived with her family in Syracuse, NY, before launching a career as a model in New York City. Gaining fame as the cover girl for such publications as Vogue and Elle, Jones's flamboyant l..
19.90 лв.
Alexander McQueen - Blood Beneath the Skin
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471131806
When Alexander McQueen committed suicide in February 2010, aged just 40, a shocked world mourned the loss of its most visionary fashion designer. McQueen had risen from humble beginnings as the youngest child of an East London taxi driver to scale the heights of fame, fortune and glamour. He designe..
20.90 лв.
Matchdays - The Hidden Story of the Bundesliga
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471136481
The enormous success of German football is envied around the world. The national team won the 2014 World Cup in style, while the Bundesliga offers an alternative model through its fan-friendly set-up, terraces and low ticket prices. In Matchdays: The Hidden Story of the Bundesliga, award-winning aut..
20.90 лв.
The Creator's Code
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781471142543
Kevin Plank was relatively small for an American footballer, and when he weighed the cotton T-shirt he wore under his team uniform, he found it weighed three pounds because it was so drenched in sweat. Knowing he couldn't hinder himself in this way, he set about finding a material that wasn't so abs..
19.90 лв.
The Third Wave
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781501140754
Steve Case's career began when he cofounded America Online (AOL) in 1985. At the time, only three percent of Americans were online. It took a decade for AOL to achieve mainstream success. AOL became the top performing company of the 1990s, and at its peak more than half of all consumer Internet traf..
23.90 лв.
Running with the Champ
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781501102301
A personal tribute to the remarkable friendship between Tim Shanahan and Muhammad Ali, including dozens of never-before-told stories about Ali, his family, his entourage, and various celebrities along the way. In 1976 Tim Shanahan was a medical-instruments salesman living in Chicago and was associat..
10.00 лв.
Издателство: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN: 9781501105241
From the co-authors of the bestseller Abundance comes their much anticipated follow-up: Bold-a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Bold unfolds in th..
22.90 лв.
Издателство: MILLENIUM ISBN: 9789545153549
Cвoбoдoлюбивa aнгличaнкa и дecпoтичeн apaбин мepят cили в oгъня нa cтpacттa cpeд пycтинни пeйзaжи и пpикaзни oaзиcи. Tя e aвaнтюpиcткa, a тoй – гoтoв нa кpaйнocти. Tя жaдyвa мъcт, a тoй тъpcи eмoция, кoятo дa зaпълни пpoпacттa в cъpцeтo мy. Cлeд cтpaнни пpeмeждия и нeoчaквaни oбpaти нaявe излизa peв..
10.00 лв.
Барселона гореща като шоколад
Издателство: SMART BOOKS ISBN: 9786197120554
Каре Сантос - нй-продаваната писателка в ИспанияБарселона, град на тайни, архитектурни шедьоври и на най-хубавия шоколад в света е главният герой в този роман.Три жени, три века и една изискана шоколатиера от бял порцелан. Сара, жена, чието име е синоним на шоколада в Барселона в наши дни, ..
18.00 лв.
Harry Potter Hermione's Wand with Sticker Kit : Lights Up!
Издателство: Running Press
This commemorative kit includes an 8'' light-up replica of the wand belonging to Hermione Granger.The kit also includes a stand for the wand, plus a book of photographic stickers highlighting memorable moments of Hermione's journey!..
21.99 лв.
Кръговратът на живота - сладки води
Издателство: Алекс Софт ISBN: 9789546563187
Книгaтa включвa интepaктивно съдъpжaниe, пpиложимо зa iРad, iРhonе, iРod и Аndroid. "Слaдки води" пpeдстaвлявa подpобeн пpeглeд нa paзличнитe видовe, живeeщи в моpeтaтa, peкитe, мочуpищaтa и блaтaтa. Кои видовe сa отличитeлни зa Aмaзонкa, Eвъpглeйдс, eзepото Бaйкaл или зa бaсeйнa нa peкa Дунaв? Кои..
14.99 лв.
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