
Всички продукти

Банки, хляб и бомби - 2
Издателство: ДИЛОК ISBN: 9789542902027
Как мислите? Дали всички хора, които ни управляват, умишлено го правят по не най-добрия начин, или това е самоналагаща се система?Щефан Ердман ще ви отвори очите! В първи том на „Банки, хляб и бомби" той просвещава читателя относно повратите на историята през древността и разкрива преплитането н..
20.00 лв.
България от птичи поглед - 222 снимки от въздуха
Издателство: БУЛГЕЯ ООД ISBN: 9789549265316
Ha всички, които носят Бългaрия в сърцeто си! Aлeксaндър Ивaнов, слeд пeтдeсeтaтa си годишнинa, сe откъсвa от зeмятa и политa с мотодeлтa и пaрaплaнeр нaд Бългaрия. Високaтa глeднa точкa, птичият поглeд сa вплeтeни в същинaтa и eзикa нa фотогрaфиятa. Пропорциитe сe видоизмeнят, фигуритe и прeдмeтитe..
59.00 лв.
Dead and Gone
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9780575085527
Now it's the turn of the weres and shifters to follow the lead of the undead and reveal their existence to the ordinary world.Sookie Stackhouse already knows about them, of course - her brother turns into a panther at the full moon, she's friend to the local Were pack and Sam, her boss at Merlot..
9.90 лв.
A Touch of Dead
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9780575094444
Sookie Stackhouse enjoys her job as a cocktail waitress in Merlotte's, a small-town bar in small-town Bon Temps, deep in Louisiana. She's funny and pretty and, thanks to her grandmother, she's very well-mannered - but since not many people truly appreciate her ability to read their minds, the guys h..
9.90 лв.
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9780575085022
The elves have fled to Calius, seeking to escape the overwhelming power of the demonic Garonin. A desperate last stand in their own dimension saved the race, at the cost of 100,000 elves lost to the Garonin. The elf who led that fight, Takaar, is blamed for the losses and has gone into hiding.No..
19.90 лв.
Wizard`s First Rule
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9780752889801
One man, Richard Cypher, holds the key to the fate of three nations, of humanityBut until he learns the Wizard's First Rule his chances of succeeding in his task are slim. And his biggest problem is admitting that magic exists at all...A novel of incomparable scope and brimming with atmospheric deta..
13.90 лв.
Spotty Powder and Other Splendiferous Secrets
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780141330402
Brilliant stories from your favourite authors at a pocket-money price...A treasure trove of Roald Dahl! Feast your eyes on an original chapter from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and tuck into some tasty tales from Roald Dahl`s school days to discover more about the World`s No. 1 storyteller..
10.50 лв.
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9780575084865
What would you do if a stranger came to your door claiming to be your best friend. A best friend who you saw die ten years before? The Unknown Warrior has spent the last ten years mourning the dead of the legendary mecernary band The Raven. Reluctant ruler of Balaia he has also presided over the gra..
13.90 лв.
Последният живот на Линдън
Издателство: ЕКСЛИБРИС ISBN: 9789548208741
Точката, от която няма връщане назад, е само началото"В този магически трилър Алан Коен с присъщата си харизма разказва чаровна, увлекателна и забързана приказка за съдбата и любовта. Препоръчвам горещо книгата." Брайън Л. Уайз, автор на "Много прераждания, много учители""Алан Коен е майсто..
14.00 лв.
Peter Rabbit - My first Little library
Издателство: WARNE ISBN: 9780723267034
    A little box of first books featuring Beatrix Potter's classic character, Peter Rabbit!        My First Learning Library contains four chunky board books that introduce the youngest children to early concepts. The titles are: Words, Num..
14.99 лв.
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
Издателство: PUFFIN BOOKS ISBN: 9780141346465
Charlie Bucket has WON Willy Wonka's choclate factory and is on his way to take possession of it. In a great glass elevator! But when the elevator makes a fearful whooshing noise, Charlie and his family find themselves in splendid orbit around the Earth. A daring adventure has begun, with the one an..
11.90 лв.
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