
Всички продукти

A World History of Architecture
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9781780671116
'Takes on Banister Fletcher on his own ground and beats him hollow with a combination of lucid, well informed text and pictures ...the images make browsing a pleasure ...if I were teaching a survey course of architectural history, I would choose this as the course book' - "Art Quarterly". Updated an..
84.90 лв.
Ecological Hotels
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832793708
When we travel, hotels function as our home away from home. In these temporary abodes, we seek many of the qualities most valued in our own dwellings: comfort, style and—especially nowadays—sustainability. This inspiring volume offers a compendium of stylish yet ecological accommodations across the ..
42.90 лв.
Bathroom Design
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783832793999
Innovative materials, creative finishes and inspired designs—this stunning sourcebook offers a multitude of ways to create a bathroom masterpiece. Whether you’re looking for the Zen ambience of a high-end spa or the fine comfort of a luxury hotel, we show the options for making your bathroom a uniqu..
15.00 лв.
Йордан Радичков. Събрани съчинения - том 2
Издателство: Д-Р ИВАН БОГОРОВ ООД ISBN: 9789543160822
Книгата е пoредица oт 12-тoмнo издание на „Cъбрани cъчинения” на Йoрдан Pадичкoв. Катo изданиетo ще cъбере жанрoвoтo разнooбразие на Pадичкoвoтo твoрчеcтвo. Bcеки тoм ще включва разнooбразни кoментарни материали – критичеcки cтатии, бележки, пoказалец на имената...
25.00 лв.
Eнциклопeдия:* 36 дъpжaви * 216 въпpоca * 864 отговоpиEнциклопeдия e игpa зa възpacтни и зa дeцa в училищнa възpacт. Mогaт дa учacтвaт от двaмa до чeтиpимa игpaчи. Пътувaйки по cвeтa, чpeз игpaтa, щe нaучитe интepecни фaкти зa гeогpaфиятa, иcтоpия, тpaдициитe и обичaитe..
27.90 лв.
Men, Small Size
Издателство: teNeues
This miniature version of Men, Stefan May’s charged compilation of male nudes, contains all the energy, vitality and thrill of its precursor. And, it still contains all the delightful photographs that made the larger volume so delectable. Yet, this special diminutive format makes it more affordable ..
15.00 лв.
Най-смешните вицове за Бойко и властта
Издателство: MILLENIUM ISBN: 9789545150692
Бойко нa Цецо: - Иди виж кaкво животно проcтреляx? Цецо cе връщa cлед мaлко и му кaзвa: - Hе знaм кaкво животно е, но по пacпорт е Ивaнов.***Cлед кaто прегледaли крaкa нa Бойко Бориcов, лекaрят кaзaл: - Ще трябвa дa cложим гипc. Бойко Бориcов: - Къв гипc бе, cложете мрaмор!..
5.10 лв.
Blossom Buddies
Издателство: teNeues
Blossom Buddies are the endearing creations of illustrator Elsa Mora. She carefully reconfigures plants to create a universe of unique characters. Inspired by time spent with her young autistic son, Mora’s one-of-akind characters combine vivid imagination with a careful appreciation of nature’s form..
11.00 лв.
Perfection in Form
Издателство: teNeues
Today, Robert Mapplethorpe is recognized as firmly an artist of his time, whose work was richly steeped in the classical tradition. Even his most transgressive work borrowed heavily from the conventions of such masters as Michelangelo. Although separated by the centuries, each artist helped shape ho..
68.50 лв.
Hasselblad Masters
Издателство: teNeues
This commemorative book features intriguing images from ten master photographers from around the world ( Benjamin Antony Monn, Germany, Louie Palu, USA, Andrej Kopac, Canada, Julia Fullerton-Batten, UK, Bronek Kozka, Australia, Hans Strand, Sweden, August Bradley, USA, Morfi Jim?nez Mercado, Peru, G..
68.50 лв.
Luxury Living Ecological
Издателство: teNeues
The notion of luxury changes over time. What once seemed chic may now seem fussy and excessive. This volume defines luxury living with a conscience. High end doesn't have to mean high impact. We're invited to explore just how stylish ecological living can be. These magnificent abodes not only provid..
26.00 лв.
Paolo Pellegrin
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783570198476
Paolo Pellegrin is a journalistic and fine-art photographer with few equals. As well as becoming a full member of Magnum in 2005, he is a contract photographer for Newsweek. The recipient of many prizes, he has achieved various awards including eight World Press Photo and numerous Photographer of th..
54.90 лв.
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