
Всички продукти

Ski Hotels
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783823845430
Can it get much better than relaxing in a comfortable, modern hotel after a long day on the ski slopes? Whether you're a beginner learning on the bunny slope, an ex-Olympian re-living his glory days, or a non-skier who enjoys sipping rum toddies in the lodge, you should find the perfect place for a ..
36.90 лв.
Cosmopolitan Hotels
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783823845461
In an age of increasing standardisation, many are asserting their individuality through personal taste, whether in home furnishings or in the kinds of places they choose to stay when on business or holiday. This guide explores 21 hotels, in cities from Europe and the Americas to Africa, Asia and Sca..
15.00 лв.
Cool Hotels America
Издателство: teNeues
Cool Hotels, America is an extensive compilation of the most contemporary hotels in North, Central, and South America, all of which have been chosen because they represent the best in innovative design. Copiously illustrated with hundreds of color photographs of hotels designed by renowned figures s..
15.00 лв.
Rome Houses
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783823845645
The streets of Rome may be filled with monuments to its imperial past but among the Renaissance palaces and Baroque basilicas, tombs and medieval bell towers, are several impressive examples of contemporary architecture and design. Packed with over 400 color illustrations that reveal a range of inte..
15.00 лв.
Sport Design
Издателство: teNeues
Sport Design presents the newest models and prototypes ofwell-known designers in the world of sports. Generously illustrated with over400 color photographs that focus exclusively on the products themselves, thebook features equipment organized by sports corresponding to each of the fourelements: 'Ea..
7.00 лв.
Baby animals
Издателство: WHITE STAR
Through its illustration of puppies of many species, this book will bring back our memories of the joys and challenges of infancy. The heart-warming pictures by famous nature photographers catch the most intimate and entertaining moments of puppies’ lives, including birth, first explorations of the ..
25.90 лв.
Ultimate Hotel Design
Издателство: teNeues ISBN: 9783823845942
This illustrated volume takes the reader on a visual tour of more than 60 of the world's most outstanding hotels. It is divided equally among metropolitan and resort hotels in North and South America, Europe and the Middle East and contains colour photographs...
42.00 лв.
История костюма
Издателство: АСТРЕЛЬ ISBN: 9785271275272
Почему мы одеты так, а не иначе? Почему брюки считаются мужской одеждой, а юбка - женской, ведь когда-то этого разделения не существовало: древнеримские воины носили платья до земли, а бородатые русские мужи, которых было трудно упрекнуть в женственности, - сарафаны. Почему рубашки, платья, куртки и..
37.90 лв.
Двойственият живот на една вещица
Издателство: ЕКСЛИБРИС
В oбъpкaния и бeзличeн живoт нa Зapa внeзaпнo ce пoявявa Mapтa, дpeвнa вeщицa, и й дaвa oт cилaтa cи. С нaпътcтвиятa нa учитeлкaтa cи млaдaтa жeнa пocтигa мнoгo, нo в eдин мoмeнт ce изпpaвя пpeз избopa или дa зaгуби мaгичecкитe cи cпocoбнocти, или дa пpичини cмъpттa нa cкъп зa нeя мъж. В кpaйнa cмeт..
12.00 лв.
Пъзел Educa от 2000 части - Фермерски пазар, Ейми Стюарт
Издателство: Educa ISBN: 8412668171282
Ейми Стюарт (Aimee Stewart)     Ейми Стюарт с удоволствие и радост приема титлата Ренесансова лейди, която е самоук художник, фотограф и писател, като човек, който има музика в сърцето и мечти в душата, като авантюрист, който живее живота си като гигантско творческо предизви..
44.90 лв.
Подложка за редене на пъзели Educa - От 500 до 2000 части
Издателство: Educa ISBN: 8412668171947
    Поставете пъзела си по удобен и практичен начин върху специалното килимче от Educa. Просто навийте пъзела в постелката, заедно с тръбата. Продуктът служи за пъзели с 500 до 2000 части, като размерът на пъзела може да достига 122 x 80 cm...
49.90 лв.
Показва 18337 до 18348 от 18369 (1531 страници)