Докато светлината на утрото се разлива по гладките дюни, едно камилче се събужда в лошо настроение. То е избухливо и уморено. И днес, със сигурност ня..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Детайлно запознаване с виното, което ще ви накара да се замислите какво пиете.Без жаргон, без предубеждения: Виното. Дегустационен курс ще ви даде вси..
Експертен наръчник базиран на трите основни стълба на успешната личност – физическа активност, ментално здраве и балансирано хранене. Той е за всеки е..
Скъпи читателю, готов ли си да се потопиш в света на фантастичните създания? Преди много, много години, в ерата на магията, хората не се съмнявали в с..
This powerful collection of black and white male nudes is a stunning testament to Peter Arnold’s talents as a fine art photographer and artist. Arnold’s unique vision is exemplified by his attention to detail, meticulously sculpting these powerful bodies with his original posing and languid lighting..
Languages - English, German, French, Spanish, ItalianIn this volume, fashion photographer, Pierrer Thomas Karkau decided to get behind the scenes and under the clothes of fashion models. Here are models stripped down to their bare essentials in images that are as alluring and provocative as they..
Greece's historical and cultural legacy is set amidst landscapes and seascapes of breathtaking beauty. Noted photographer Rainer Kiedrowski's luminous colour images reveal the wonders of Greece both natural and man-made in this stunning visual survey. His beautifully composed pictures capture everyt..
The Universe: 365 Days has been created by the founders of 'Astronomy Picture of the Day', a website created and maintained by two astrophysicists in collaboration with NASA that has been in existence since 1995. The site has become one of the most popular on the web - it now gets one million hits a..
For Greg Gorman Andres? strong sense of composition coupled with the placement of imagery within the frame often pushed the edge of eroticism." With this high praise the photographic collection Nudes was awarded the coveted Kodak Photography Book Prize. Out of print for years, Bitesnich's remarkable..
Acclaimed photographer Peter Jirmanns focus is the female nude but his pictures reveal as much about emotion and personality as they do the contours and surfaces of the human body. His images capture his subjects ironical outlook on the world. Jirmann meticulously plans each shot before he actually ..
Almost each week, Martin Schoeller is called upon by The New Yorker magazine to capture portraits of the most recognized personalities of our time (President Bill Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Andre Agassi, Eminem, Jack Nicholson and many others). 75 of these stunning headshot portraits are collected her..
Sport Design presents the newest models and prototypes ofwell-known designers in the world of sports. Generously illustrated with over400 color photographs that focus exclusively on the products themselves, thebook features equipment organized by sports corresponding to each of the fourelements: 'Ea..
Containing over 400 colour photographs of houses in tropical regions that span the globe, this introduction to various residential styles and construction methods highlights the work of both prominent and emerging architects. In Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Australia an..
Flower are one of the most common subjects for artwork, yet Mapplethorpe excels at bringing something radically new to his flower photographs. Setting them in a universe apart, their poses are classical, reduced to a series of essential forms. Their compositions are profoundly simple but mask a comp..
Since the first cars rolled off the assembly line in the 20th century, automobiles have represented a fulfilment of our dreams. Selected for their technological innovations, engine power, and sheer beauty, the cars in this lavish volume are unsurpassed as objects of design and invention. Superb stud..