Докато светлината на утрото се разлива по гладките дюни, едно камилче се събужда в лошо настроение. То е избухливо и уморено. И днес, със сигурност ня..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Учи и се забавлявай!Открий магията на цветовете с тази вълшебна книжка за оцветяване, четка и малко вода и вдъхни живот на невероятните илюстрации...Т..
Детайлно запознаване с виното, което ще ви накара да се замислите какво пиете.Без жаргон, без предубеждения: Виното. Дегустационен курс ще ви даде вси..
Експертен наръчник базиран на трите основни стълба на успешната личност – физическа активност, ментално здраве и балансирано хранене. Той е за всеки е..
Скъпи читателю, готов ли си да се потопиш в света на фантастичните създания? Преди много, много години, в ерата на магията, хората не се съмнявали в с..
What goes into capturing a fleeting moment before it vanishes forever, and turning it into a memorable photo? The Magic Moment showcases a collection of awe-inspiring nature-based images where everything came together perfectly. They’re taken by some of the world’s finest photographers, who explain ..
This book helps you to build your photography skills week-by-week. The Digital Photography Complete Course is the perfect one-on-one learning programme for any aspiring photographer. This modular 20-week course guides you through every aspect of digital photography, using a combination of tutorials,..
Window-Shopping through the Iron Curtain presents a selection of more than 100 images of shop windows shot by David Hlynsky during four trips taken between 1986 and 1990 to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Moscow. Using a Hasselblad camera, Hlynsky captured th..
This is a glimpse through the keyhole of history. From the earliest nude daguerrotypes to experimental nude photography. The history of nude photography is the history of people's fascination with the topic. Indeed, the photographic depiction of the human body is the only subject that has enthralled..
Curate your home. Print Set Salgado. This inspiring print set offers sixteen designs to transform a blank wall into a personalized display. Each set of sixteen images has been specially selected from the TASCHEN collection as the most loved, and most interesting, examples of Sebastiao Salgado's work..
It started in 1978 with an ordinary coffee shop near Kyoto. Word spread that the waitresses wore no panties under their miniskirts. Similar establishments popped up across the country. Men waited in line outside to pay three times the usual coffee price just to be served by a panty-free young woman...
Polaroids occupy a special place in the hearts of many photo enthusiasts who remember a time when "instant photography" meant one-of-a-kind prints that developed within minutes of clicking the shutter. What was once a crucial tool for photographers to test their shots before shooting on film has now..
The internet video site VBS, launched by the ironic and ultra-cool American magazine Vice, features original content on a wide range of subjects dear to the hipster heart. One of the first, and still the most popular, ongoing series was "Shot by Kern," a concept dreamed up by then editor-in-chief Je..
This magnificent photographic survey is a personal tour through the length and breadth of Africa by one of the world's leading nature and wildlife photographers. Steve Bloom achieves here a truly breathtaking intimacy not only with the continent's extraordinary animal life and natural environment bu..
Here at last is a concise critical history of photography which explains by what criteria we can judge one photograph to be better than another, what is special about the photographic recording of images, what in fact is the essence of photography both in itself and in relation to other visual art f..