
Всички продукти

Still Waters
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 0752837680
When Elizabeth Stuart starts looking for a new home for herself and her son, somewhere she can recover from a particularly bruising divorce, Still Creek seems the answer to her dreams. Hidden in the lush Amish farmlands of Minnesota, Still Creek offers a sanctuary to the splintered family who look f..
13.90 лв.
The Osterman Weekend
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 9780752858647
In a secret room in Washington DC John Tanner is asked to stake his life - and those of his wife and children - on a gamble whose goals and risks no one will fully reveal to him. In a small suburban town, where only the nicest people live, friends, neighbours, everyone and anyone could be part of a ..
7.00 лв.
The Bourne Supremacy
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 0752863886
Washington, Hong Kong and Peking - terror sweeps the globe. The Vice- Premier of the People's Republic has been brutally murdered by a legendary assassin and everyone is asking the same fearful questions: Why has Bourne come back? Who is paying him? Who is next on his death list? But US officials kn..
14.90 лв.
Hip Hotels Atlas
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500512487
This spectacular large-format 528-page book, with over 1,000 of Herbert Ypmas own remarkable photographs, is the ultimate guide to the worlds most special places to stay. Bringing together a host of mouthwatering new destinations plus the best hotels from previous editions, "Hip Hotels Atlas" is the..
57.00 лв.
Общуване без агресия
Издателство: Кръгозор ISBN: 9789547711501
Наръчник по ненасилствена комуникация Силата на позитивните посланияНаслаждавайте се на стабилно и пълноценно общуване във всички области на вашия живот: - интимни взаимоотношения - семейство - училище - институции - бизнес преговори и дипломатически контакти - консултации и психотерапия..
20.00 лв.
Drawing of the Three
Издателство: Hodder & Stoughton ISBN: 9781444723458
Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger, encounters three doors which open to 1980s America, where he joins forces with the defiant Eddie Dean and courageous, volatile Odetta Holmes. And confronts deadly serial killer Jack Mort. As the titanic forces gather, a savage struggle between underworld evil a..
16.80 лв.
Рататуй - Чародейства
Издателство: Егмонт ISBN: 9789542701163
Ще ви разкажем една невероятна история. Малкият Реми живее в Париж и е най-различното плъхче от всички плъхчета на света! Не обича боклука и ходи на задните си крачка, за да не си цапа лапичките! А най-страстното му желание е да готви! Той иска да стане велик готвач, но в света на хората! Оттук зап..
8.99 лв.
The Rough Guide to the Bahamas
Издателство: ROUGH GUIDES ISBN: 9781843537762
"The Rough Guide to The Bahamas" is your definitive handbook to these beautiful islands. From the finest scuba and snorkelling spots on Paradise Island to the bustling cities of Nassau and Freeport, the full-colour section introduces all of the region's highlights. For every town and village, there ..
42.00 лв.
Искрено Ваш Шурик
Издателство: Жанет 45
"Писателите могат да бъдат обвинявани в безпристрастност. Както и художниците, и инженерите. Но да се обвинява литературата в нещо такова, е абсолютно безмислено. Творчеството е божествен дар. Дар на свободата. А нравствените закони са предписание за човешкото поведение.Влечението ми към семейни..
13.90 лв.
Shield of Thunder
Издателство: Random House ISBN: 9780552151122
The war of Troy is looming, and all the kings of the Great Green are gathering, friends and enemies. Into this maelstrom of treachery and deceit come three travellers; Piria, a runaway priestess nursing a terrible secret, Kalliades, a warrior with a legendary sword, and Banokles who will carve his o..
13.90 лв.
Cool Spots Cote D'Azur
Издателство: teNeues
Long a jet set destination, the C?te d’Azur is perhaps the world’s number one playground. With a stunning array of clubs, shops, bars and restaurants, there’s a multitude of places to see and be seen. This guide also features some of the C?te d’Azur’s finest hotels. Of course, the people-watching he..
15.00 лв.
Светецът, сърфистът и корпоративния директор
Издателство: ЕКСЛИБРИС ISBN: 9789548208536
Haпиcaнa в нeповторимия cтил нa Робин Шарма, тaзи книгa рaзкaзвa иcториятa нa Джaк Baлънтaйн - млaд човeк, изпрaвeн нa кръcтопът в животa cи. Tъй кaто ce чувcтвa нeзaвършeн кaто човeшко cъщecтво, той ce впуcкa в търceнe нa мъдроcттa, която щe му донece по-щacтлив, по-здрaвоcловeн и по-крacив живот. ..
12.00 лв.
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