
Всички продукти

Just One Look
Издателство: ORION ISBN: 0752863819
Grace Lawson is living a happy, straightforward life in the suburbs with her husband, Jack, and two young children. But that security is about to come to a brutal end. For when Grace picks up a set of holiday snaps, amongst them is one shot that doesn't fit: a faded image of a life that Grace doesn'..
13.90 лв.
Future City
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286517
New territories of design and architecture in our cities.For millennia, architects and builders have attempted to rationalize cities into well-functioning and liveable places. While many aspects of a city evolve naturally, other facets result from human interventions and radical imagination. Fut..
47.90 лв.
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286173
"Hip Hotels Paris" is one of two special "Hip Hotels" editions publishing this spring, the first book in the series to focus uniquely on cities. In a smaller, more easily portable format than usual, these beautifully designed and lavishly produced books offer up a breathtaking selection of destinati..
31.00 лв.
New York
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286180
These easily portable, beautifully designed and lavishly produced books offer up the usual enticing selection of destinations, whether you are after a funky boutique hotel in a vibrant, up-and-coming area or a quietly luxurious stay in a well-heeled arrondissement. Whatever your taste, whatever your..
36.50 лв.
Human Anatomy
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON
This lavishly illustrated book chronicles the remarkable history of anatomical illustration from the Renaissance to the digital 'Visible Human' project today. Its survey of five and a half centuries of meticulous visual description by anatomists and artists will be a welcome addition to the librarie..
51.00 лв.
Buildings for Tomorrow
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500342282
Architects have always dreamed of shaping the future, of building Utopian worlds filled with seemingly impossible structures that break with the past to propel mankind far into the 21st century and beyond. This book reviews forty such visionary projects, encompassing the whole spectrum of the built ..
57.00 лв.
The New Country Style
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500512906
This inspirational interiors book, the first in the series "New Country Style", redefines English country style for a growing international, design-savvy audience. A creative new generation of city-dwellers is seeking the country life, whether in the rolling hills of the Cotswolds, the Devon moorlan..
57.00 лв.
Частен клуб - книга 4
Издателство: Бард ISBN: 9789545857584
"Частен клуб” пpащи от напpежение, екшън и остpия хумоp на Джон Коpи - най-устатото ченге на Hю Йоpк!Добpе дошли в Къстъp Xил Клуб - мъжки клуб и луксозна ловна хижа в Адиpондак, в който членуват някои от най-влиятелните бизнесмени на Амеpика, военни и пpавителствени служители. Пpивидно това е м..
19.99 лв.
Черният орден - книга 3
Издателство: Бард ISBN: 9789545857515
Дo кpaя нa cветa и oбpaтнo пo cледите нa нaй-oзaдaчaвaщaтa нaучнa зaгaдкa!Безмилocтнo пpеcледвaне нa четиpи кoнтинентa...Bиcoкo в Xимaлaите един мaнacтиp е зaвлaдян oт къpвaвa лудocт.Шепa нaциcтки учени пpoдължaвaт paбoтaтa въpxу тaен пpoект дълбoкo в земните недpa.B Дaния някoй cе д..
17.99 лв.
Fashion Icon
Издателство: ROCKPORT ISBN: 9781564969491
When it comes to trends no segment of the design world is more powerful, more influential or more closely watched than fashion. From what's hot in type to the coolest new colour, to the style and mood of the moment, the fashion world sets the tone and the look for the wider design community. This vo..
88.00 лв.
Graphic Design America: v. 3
Издателство: ROCKPORT ISBN: 9781592531264
Like its two best-selling predecessors in the series, Graphic Design America 3 profiles more than 35 of the graphic designers and graphic design firms in the United States. The work being produced in America is wonderful, varied, and influential around the globe, which is the reason for the success ..
85.00 лв.
Write Your Name in Kanji
Издателство: TUTTLE ISBN: 0804833346
For a Westerner, adapting one's name to fit the language of a foreign Western country is usually easy. Michel from Paris becomes Michael in London. Frances from Pittsburgh becomes Francesca in Venice. Adapting an English-language name into Japanese, however, presents a formidable set of challenges...
18.00 лв.
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