
Всички продукти

История за любов и мрак
Издателство: MILLENIUM ISBN: 9789543400508
"История за любов и мрак" е разказ на дете, изведнъж попаднало в света на възрастните и необятните им любов и мрак. И най-вече сред безкрайните им разговори за голямата култура и политика. Романът представлява трагичната история на едно семейство, което не устоява пред ужаса на съществуването през X..
18.00 лв.
Училище за глупаци
Издателство: Жанет 45 ISBN: 9789549772456
"Училищe зa глупaци" e oбaятeлнa и тpaгичнa, eднa oт нaй-зaтpoгвaщитe книги. Bлaдимиp HaбoкoвBcичкo cтaвa aбcoлютнo oт caмo ceбe cи. Пишa тaкa, кaктo чувcтвaм, нaпълнo интуитивнo... Bключвa ce някaкъв дpуг aпapaт, кoйтo e пo-умeн oт мeн, a aз мoгa caмo дa кoнтpoлиpaм c кaквa cкopocт cтaвa тoвa...
9.00 лв.
Книгата е писана по мита за Сабазий (Дионис), чиято съдба е преплетена с тази на Орфей. Действието на романа се развива в днешна България, а хаосът, сред който героите се опитват да оцелеят, е познатата ни среда на несигурност, премълчани истини и заплаха. Успехът е на една ръка разстояние, провалъ..
10.00 лв.
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500341834
"House" profiles new directions in American residential architecture, focusing only on houses that have been built since 1998. The structures in the book represent the new ideas about how to build houses, how they are lived in, and how they are rooted to their local. The 20 houses featured have been..
65.90 лв.
Spa Style - Arabia
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286210
The third book in Thames & Hudson's successful "Spa Style" series is an authoritative guide to some fifteen of Arabia's most luxurious spas. Spanning the entire region, from Tunisia to Dubai, it is the first book to draw upon the ancient spa traditions of the region, and offers unparalleled insights..
45.00 лв.
The Seductive Shoe
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500513460
This ravishing book, uniquely illustrated with photographs of actual shoes, takes us on a remarkable tour of the shoe closets of the world over the last four centuries, exploring how major historical events, social change and industrialization have influenced styles and production. Faboulous images ..
75.00 лв.
Тайните на цифровата фотография
Издателство: Алекс Софт ISBN: 9789546562791
Второ издание Това е тя - №1 най-продаваната книга за цифрова фотография в историята! Тя е печелила награди, станала е хит по света, написана е от Скот Келби и е преведена на десетки различни езици, защото това е книгата, която наистина ви показва как да правите снимки с професионално качество, кат..
19.99 лв.
The Way We Live
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500513361
"In the City" is the third title in the phenomenally successful "The Way We Live" series, providing a visual, in-depth view of lifestyles in cities around the world, from New York to Cairo, from London to Saigon, in five major sections. The book takes every opportunity to make cross-cultural compari..
59.00 лв.
The Story of Writing
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286609
Without writing there would be no history and no civilization as we know it. But how, when and where did writing evolve?In an absorbing text, Andrew Robinson explains the interconnection between sound, symbol and script. He discusses each of the major writing systems in turn, from cuneiform and ..
33.90 лв.
Sticker City - Paper graffiti art
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500286685
For forty years, city streets have been home to the modern graffiti movement, but the new century has witnessed a fresh creative explosion. Walls, phone booths, guttering, traffic signage - the full range of surfaces forming the astonishingly vibrant street canvas is now adorned with hand-painted or..
45.00 лв.
Издателство: THAMES & HUDSON ISBN: 9780500513477
This title accompanies a major exhibition at the Imperial War Museum. Following an introduction that looks at camouflage in the natural world, lively anecdotal text explores the different styles and meanings of camouflage throughout history. It looks at the interplay between modern military developm..
75.00 лв.
Издателство: ULLMANN PUBLISHING ISBN: 9783833160936
Wristwatches presents illustrated portraits of all the popular watch brands - some of them long since unavailable - from America, Germany, Japan, France, and, of course, from the world’s major manufacturer of timepieces, Switzerland. In its technical chapters, it explains all the highly complex oper..
39.90 лв.
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